Česká verzeČeská verze

Pedagogy 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
108PED1 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Education course students acquire an overview of education and all its disciplines which are necessary for music education teaching. Students will know all professional terminology of Education research such as: education, music education, education system, school documentation, school microcosm, school climate, school education programs, observation, teaching practice forms and methods, academic processes, etc.

Students acquire an overview of the history of education focusing on the main figures in the course of history. They will also be introduced to legislation necessary for teaching practice. All academic and method procedures in working with pupils and other forms of work. Students adopt basic communication skills for teaching, appropriate forms of expression, clothing, etc. Students adopt communication and motivation methods for working with pupils and finally receive a basic awareness of school management.

Students understand what is successful instruction organization, teacher preparations for instruction, a wide range of forms of creating lesson plans. Students learn and will be able to effectively use all forms of grading pupils to be motivating and sensible. Students are introduced to the basic personality of students and working with pupils with special learning needs and principles for successful creation of an individual education plan (IVP) for those pupils. Students understand and actively capable of using all potential audio-visual technology in the instruction process.

At the conclusion the students will be prepared for entering the newly organized 4-level teacher career system: 1) beginning teacher, 2) independent teacher, 3) outstanding teacher, school education leader, 4) outstanding teacher, school system leader. This 4-level scale represents studies at higher institutions and their completions of the first step into the career system. Students will be prepared to succefully master this entrance into the career system and introduced to preparations for the music education teacher certification process.

Mode of study:

Lectures, contact instruction.

Course characteristics: An elective course which is designed as a two-semester lecture for music students. As an elective course, the lecture is intended for bachelor and master's study years. At the end of the Winter semester the course is concluded with credit. At the end of the Summer semester, an exam. Completion of the education courses, including psychology and academics are also requirements for students to register for the state exam and acquire education certification for the future music/music training instructor during the bachelor's or master's study program. The course is not designed for life-long learning studies.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Due to the extent of the given course, aside from lecture participation, study of the recommended readings is required. For each lecture topic is recommended at least one professional writing or working paper related to the given area.

Recommended elective instructional elements: The recommended elective elements of independent study are the following: First of all, aside from a study of the professional and recommended readings, it is also necessary to monitor professional review periodicals, for example: Pedagogika (ISSN 0031-3815-Print, ISSN 2336-2189-Online), Pedagogická orientace (ISSN 805-9511 (on-line) ISSN: 1211-4669 (print), Hudební výchova (ISSN 1210-3683), Slovak periodical Múzy v škole (ISSN 1335-1605), Aura Musica (ISSN 1805-4056), e-Pedagogium (ISSN 1213-7758-Print, ISSN 1213-7499-Online), Didaktické studie (ISSN 1804-1221), Studia paedagogica (ISSN 1803-7437), also Speciální pedagogika (ISSN 1211-2720), Řízení školy, and not reviewed (ISSN 1802-4785), and its sections Speciál pro ZUŠ or the unreviewed weekly Učitelské noviny (ISSN 0139-5718).

A further recommendation is membership in the National Education Library J.A. Komensky in Prague (see webpage: http://npmk.cz/knihovna), where all professional literature, education dictionaries are available to all education course students. All recommended professional periodicals and e-PK services and others are available in the study lab.

Course contents:

The Education course is content in the first semester is designed for the student to be introduced to the material which will be encountered in their teaching practice. As well, attention is devoted to the basic development tendencies in education thought from the antique to education reform of the 20th century with particular consideration of the historical development of education and music education systems and the reflection of them in the Czech lands.

Education issues from a wide variety of schools is presented to the students. This also delves into the rules of school documentation and school legislation necessary for their future music teaching career. This course prepares students to be able, upon beginning work, aside from their professional preparation for the subject, to have a good bearing in other situation as well which are part of the music teaching profession. Students are introduced to basic education documentation, work regulations, main principles of school management (school promotion, DVPP instructor career development, working with sponsors, grant policies, etc..).

The Summer semester focuses exclusively on the education and music education process. It presents education as one of the social sciences and distinguishes three basic areas: education, academics and methods. Emphasis is place on basic method elements in working with pupils, instuction organization and forms of instruction. This semester intoduces students with the most important styles and methods in general and professional music education and methods of creative music student skills and abilities development at individual institutional associations and levels of music schools. Emphasis is place on the personalities of the teacher and pupil and the adoption of basic communication (verbal and non-verbal) and assertiveness skills of the students in relation to the performance evaluations and results of pupils' work.

Further, students are introduced to school director observation activities and the activities of the Czech Republic school inspection authority activities. Students are also introduced to education issues with students with special learning needs at elementary and elementary arts schools and the main principles of creating individual education plans (IVP) for those types of students. Finally the students are presented with the importance and significance of the use of audio-visual technology for the education process.

Recommended or required reading:

Required reading:

1. FUKAČ, J.; TESAŘ, S.; VEREŠ, J.: Hudební pedagogika. Brno 2000.

2. HOLAS, M.: Hudební pedagogika. Praha: Nakladatelství AMU, 2004. ISBN 80-7331-018-X.

3. HOLAS, M.; KLOUB, P.: Pedagogická teorie a praxe v profesionální hudební výchově. Praha 1997.

4. JŮVA, V.: Stručné dějiny pedagogiky. Brno: Paido, 2003.

5. KLJUNIĆ, B.: Český systém základního uměleckého vzdělávání je unikát. Učitelské noviny. Týdeník pro učitele a přátele škol, 2014, roč. 117, č. 40, 18. listopad, s. 22-23. ISSN 0139-5718.

6. KLJUNIĆ, B.: Výuka žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na základních uměleckých školách. Hudební výchova. Časopis pro hudební a obecně estetickou výchovu školní a mimoškolní, 2014, roč. 22, č. 3, s. 45 - 46. ISSN 1210-3683.

7. KLJUNIĆ, B.: Otázka autority a postavení hudebního pedagoga v postmoderní společnosti a ve škole. Talent. Měsíčník pro učitele a příznivce základních uměleckých škol, 2009, roč. 11, č. 9-10, s. 12-15. ISSN 1212-3676.

8. PRŮCHA, J.: Přehled pedagogiky. Praha: Portál, 2015.

Recommended reading:

1. BEN-TOVIM, A. a BOYD, D. Hudební nástroj a naše dítě. Praha: Portál, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7367-206-5.

2. GREGOR, V. a SEDLICKÝ, T.: Dějiny hudební výchovy v Čechách a na Slovensku. Praha 1990.

3. KLJUNIĆ, B.: Hudební didaktická interpretace na modelu Beethovenových klavírních sonát. Praha: Tigris, 2014. ISBN 9788026064480.

4. PRŮCHA, J. - WALTEROVÁ, E. - MAREŠ, J.: Pedagogický slovník. Praha: Portál, 2013.

5. PRŮCHA, J.: Moderní pedagogika. Praha: Portál, 2002.

6. SEDLÁK, F.: Didaktika hudební výchovy I. a II. Učebnice pro studenty pedagogických fakult. Praha: SPN, 1985.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Winter semester:

1. Attendance and lecture participation - 60%

2. Completion of required education practice - 40%

Summer semester:

1. Attendance and lecture participation - 60%

2. Oral exam - 40%

In the granting of credit or grading at the oral exam of primary importance is lecture participation. Emphasis is placed on participation in lecture content which originates in the material in professional materials and publications. In most cases this material will come from the direct information and experience of the instructor.

The required teaching practice is 10 hours during one school year. Student practice performance may be over two semesters. The instructor in agreement with the school will send students to a few elementary art schools, conservatories or music high schools. The student substantiates completion of teaching practice by submitting confirmation documents from the school, which will be signed by the instructor with whom the practice and guidance took place. Forms documenting the practice received by the student via email from the instructor. Students who are already working at one of the afrorementioned types of schools will be assigned to another for the teaching practice.

Questions for the oral exam will be linked to the mastery of the lecture material and required readings.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
místnost 2017
Učebna KTDH 2017

(Lichenštejnský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
místnost 2057
Učebna KTDH 2057

(Lichenštejnský palác)
(přednášková par. 2)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 08:40–10:10 Bojana KLJUNIČ Učebna KTDH 2017
Lichenštejnský palác
přednášková par. 1
Thu 08:40–10:10 Bojana KLJUNIČ Učebna KTDH 2057
Lichenštejnský palác
přednášková par. 2
Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07