Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 3
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
202FAH3 | Z | 2 | 2/T | Czech | winter |
- Subject guarantor:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
This course develops and expands experience acquired in dialogue practice with an internal partner. It takes place through practice and experience. It supports the personality of the student and their original approach.
- Mode of study:
Individual rehearsal class in a group. Discussion, analysis of recorded rehearsals.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Creativity, analytical and review skills. A condition is advanced experience in the discipline „Dialogue with an Internal Partner“.
- Course contents:
Focus on and research of the nature and freedom of dialogue behaviour as a requirement of an artists approach. Expanded investigation and testing regarding the time availability, spatial issues, language potential, genesis and development of spontaneous acting.
- Recommended or required reading:
Frankl, Viktor. Člověk hledá smysl - úvod do logoterapie. Praha: PA nakladatelství 1994
Jung, C.G. Výbor z díla I-VIII. Brno: Nakladatelství Tomáše Janečka 1997-2009
Mitchell, Stephen. Freud a po Freudovi. Praha: Triton, 1999
Perls, Frederick. Gestalt terapie - vzrušení lidské osobnosti a její růst. Praha, Triton, 2004
Rogers, Carl. Způsob bytí. Praha: Portál, 1998
Růžička, Jiří. Psychosomatický přístup k člověku. Praha: Triton, 2006
Široký, Hugo. Meze a obzory psychoanalýzy. Praha: Triton 2001
O hře:
Berne, Eric. Jak si lidé hrají. Litvínov: Dialog, 1992
Caillois, Roger. Hry a lidé. Praha: Nakladatelství studia Ypsilon, 1998
Černý, Jiří. Fotbal je hra. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1968
Čunderle, Michal, Roubal, Jan. Hra školou. Praha: Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon, 2001
Fink, Eugen. Oáza štěstí. Praha: Mládá fronta, 1992
Goffman, Erving. Všichni hrajeme divadlo. Praha: Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon, 1999
Huizinga, Johan. Homo ludens. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1971
- Assessment methods and criteria:
Credit is awarded based on class participation, on-going testing and review.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Further information:
- This course is an elective for all students of this school
- Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans: