Česká verzeČeská verze

Alternatives 21 2

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Semester
204NLA2 ZK 1 2/T summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The study aim is to learn and understand conteporary forms of inter-meida art expression and apply it in open public spaces.

Mode of study:

Completion, defense and possible implementation of an original project.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Interest in contemporary fine arts, linking of graphic and theatre media and working in a disrupted social-cultural environment in direct interaction with an urban or societal context.

Course contents:

Arts media have gone through, in the last decades, stormy changes in relationship to new technology approaches and the development of multicultural societies. In this course structured lectures present defining currents of contemporary performing arts which exist on the border of graphic and theatre arts. As well students use this theory presentation to work on their own arts project focused on a site-specific or participatory intermediation in a public space. In the preparations of these projects students are acqainted with fundamental originator, curator and production procedures which characterize arts in public spaces.

Recommended or required reading:

Doporučená nebo povinná četba:

Enwezor, O. (ed.): Democracy Unrealized. Documenta 11, Kassel, 2002

Hlaváček, L. (ed.): Umělecké dílo ve veřejném prostoru. NSU, Praha, 1997

Marincola, P. (ed.): Curating now: Imaginative Practice / Public Responsibility. Philadelphia, 2001

Pachmanová, M. (ed.): Věrnost v pohybu. Praha, 2001

Pospiszyl, T. (ed.): Před obrazem. Praha, 1998

Kastner, J. (ed.): Land and Environmental Art. Phaidon, 1998

Morganova, P.: Akční umění. Votobia, 1999

Goldberg, R. L.: Performance Art. Thames and Hudson, 1990

Warr, T. (ed.): The Artist's Body. Phaidon, 2000

Grossenick, U.; Riemschneider, B. (eds.): Art at the Turn of the Millenium. Taschen, 1999

Deutsche, R.: Evictions-Art and Spatial Politics. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1996

Greenberg, R.; Ferguson, B. W.; Nairne, S. (eds.): Thinking about Exhibitions. New York, 2000

Kesner ml., L.: Muzeum umění v digitální době - vnímání obrazů a prožitek v soudobé společnosti. Praha, 2000

Wade, G. (ed.): Curating in the 21st Century. Walsall, Wolverhampton, 2000

Wallis, B. (ed.): Art after Modernism. Rethinking Representation. The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1984

Djurić, D.; Šuvaković, M. (ed.): Impossible Histories, Historical Avant-gardes, Neo-avant-gardes and Post-avant-gardes in Yugoslavia, 1918-1991. Cambridge-London, 2003

Mészöly, S.; Bencsik, B. (eds.): Polyphony-Social Commentary in Contemporary Hungarian Art. SCCA, Budapest, 1993

Michalovič, P. (ed.): Subjekt-autor-auditórium. Subjekt v priestoroch umenia. SCSU, Bratislava, 1996

Pejić, B.; Elliot, D. (eds.): After the Wall. Art and Culture in Post-communist Europe. Stockholm 1999

Rusnáková, K.: História a teória mediálného umenia na Slovensku. VŠVU, Bratislava, 2006

Assessment methods and criteria:

Completed etudes, participations in colloquia, project concept.

Course web page:

Instruction schedule see: www DAMU / katedra ALD / Rozvrhy hodin

Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07