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Playing with Object and Puppet 2

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
205HPR2 ZK 2 20/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The goal of the course is to develop the sensitivity of the students to sense the metaphoric and metonymical use of an object for a drama training instructor (the characteristics of the subject, transfer of significance, putting the finishing touches on a subject for theatre use, etc.). Items such as substitute props, animated props, props such as a simple puppet... Preparation of one's own etude, a „mini-staging“ with a prop. The work with the puppet will be focused upon acquiring basic skills and habits of puppetry theory and practice.

Mode of study:

Improvisation, discussion, media recording analyses, contact instruction, group instruction.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Knowledge of music and creative arts education at the middle-school level. Fundamental aesthetic and theatrical sense. Desire to experiment and „play“.

Course contents:

1. Introduction to issues, some fundamental concepts and relationships:

- puppets,

- puppet theatre,

- props in a puppet theatre.

2. Props as original material:

- significance and insignificance of a prop,

- searching for appropriate common and specific props.

3. Characteristics of props and their use in drama training:

- characteristics of the material from which the prop is made and the prop itself,

- the theatrical use of the prop characteristics in the original and shifted meaning.

4. Shifting meaning based on metaphor and metonymics:

- development of imagination in searchinf for metaphor and metonymics,

- „lexicalizing“ and special metaphors,

- differences of metaphor and metonymics by linguistic and non-linguistic means.

5. Putting the final touches on a prop for theatre use:

- development of the aesthetic sensitivity of the student,

- basic technology, set-design, costume design in animating a prop,

- development of manual dexterity in working with different types of materials.

6. Animating a prop:

- a prop as a puppet, manners of animating by puppetry techniques,

- creation of an etude,

- „brainstorming“ for maximal breadth of use of a prop.

7. Creating a mini-staging:

- the role of pace in working with a prop (phases, relationships and dramatic situations),

- the sound design (voice means, sound effects, instrumentation).

8. Fundamental overview of the types of puppets and working with them:

- introduction to individual types of puppets,

- basic practical manipulation of them.

Recommended or required reading:

BUDÍNSKÁ, Hana. Hry pro šest smyslů: Kartotéka pro loutkáře i neloutkáře, kteří si umějí hrát s dětmi. 7., uprav. vyd. Praha: NIPOS-ARTAMA, 2008 [1984]. 28, 16, 218 s. ISBN 978-80-7068-217-3.

DVOŘÁK, Jan V. Herectví s loutkou. Praha: IPOS, 1997. 88 s. 80-7068-069-5.

---. Zkuste to s námi. Ostrava: KKS, 1979. 32 s.

JURKOWSKI, Henryk. Magie loutky. Skici z teorie loutkového divadla. Přel. Jana Pilátová, Praha: Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon, 1997. 288 s. Přel. z: Szkice z teorii teatru lalek. ISBN 80-902482-0-9.

MAŠATOVÁ, Milada. Cesty k metafoře: Náměty a úvahy o možnostech rozvíjení metaforického myšlení a sdělování v tvořivé dramatice. Praha: AMU, Divadelní fakulta, katedra výchovné dramatiky, 1996. 54 s. ISBN 80-85883-13-9.

---. Dramatika s loutkou: Metodický materiál literárně dramatického oboru ZUŠ pro potřeby členů STD a zájemců o tvořivou dramatiku. Olomouc: STD, regionální sekce při OKS Olomouc, 1991. 28 s. ISBN 80-85077-36-1.

---. O loutkovém divadle hraném dětmi. Tvořivá dramatika. 2000, roč. XI, č. 2, s. 1-4. ISSN 1211-8001.

OBRAZCOV, Sergej Vladimirovič. Herec s loutkou. Přel. Jan Malík. Praha: Československý Kompas, 1947. 160 s. Příručky Umělecké loutkové scény, sv. 1. Přel. z: ????? ? ?????? [1938].

RICHTER, Luděk. Od předmětu k loutce, od loutky k předmětu: O vzniku a možnostech výpovědi loutky a loutkou. Praha: IPOS-ARTAMA; Praha: Společenství pro pěstování divadla pro děti a mládež Dobré divadlo dětem, 1997. 56 s. ISBN 80-7068-097-0.

SOKOL, František (ed.). Svět loutkového divadla. Praha: Albatros, 1987. 360 s.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on participation in exercises and in class and in working on small puppet productions.

Condition for successfull completion of the course: presentation of a small puppet production.

Course web page:

This course may be completed in the 2nd or 3rd year.

Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07