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Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 4

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
205LDM4 ZK 5 20/S Czech winter
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Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim of the course is a knowledge of the basic range and issues of general literary theory and literary theory for children and youth. A special and developed knowledge and skill to analyse key tools and procedures available to the artistic text's author, developing an ability to interpret a literary work, its structure and know all of its layers, recognizes its value and possibilities offered to the creative educator in working with children and youth. Another goal of instruction is the opening of a pathway for learning about literary societies, genres and genre variations important particularly for children's literature. The literary theory sections are an illustrative development of literature for children and youth (including issues of folk literary creations) from the viewpoint of their dramatic and drama training potential.

Mode of study:

Readings, discusssion, text analyses, creative writing.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

A basic knowledge of the issues of literary theory and general literary history are required at least at the bachelor study level at a Artistic High school or educational branch. Also an ability to apprehend the various elements and value of an artistic text. Part of the seminar work is a systematic following of current literature particularly creations for children.

Course contents:

1. Introduction, fundamental concepts and relationships

2. Language - the gateway to a literary work.

> Non-illusion literature (literature discussing language) and addressing children.

3. The fundamental repertoire of topical vehicles.

4. Event, narrative, plot, plot content.

> Detective stories.

5. The narrator and his function in a literary work.

> Story with a children's hero.

6. The Aesthetic function of a literary work. The aesthetic function and its place among other functions. The specificity of literature for children and youth.

> Magazines for children and youth - the past and the present.

7. Subject and theme in a literary work.

> Prehistoric and ancient history of literature for children (from the begining of the 18th cent.

8. Language vehicles in a literary work:

> Folklore creations.

> Poetry for children of the 19th cent. (from J. J. Ryba to after the first golden era of Czech poetry for children; world context).

> Birth of nonsense poetry for children in England.

- The sound and graphic aspects of verse.

> The first golden era of Czech poetry for children (J. V. Sladek generation); the avant garde and poetry for children (1930s and 40s).

- Syntactic tools and issues in free verse.

> M. Lukešová and poetrz from the 1960s.

9. The fictional world in artistic literary works:

- Setting and function of the figures.

> Story with a child hero and its changes in the 19th cent and in the first half of the 20th cent.

- The narrator, Narrative situations.

> Story with a child hero in the second half of the 20th cent.

- Setting and function of the surroundings in a literary work.

> Adventure literature and literature for children and youth, their possibilities and risks in theatre and drama training practice.

> Sci-fi and Fantasy.

- Motive and Motive elements.

> Authorial fairy-tale and fairy-tale prose in the 19th cent. and its changes in the 20th cent. Typology of authorial fairy-tales and fairy-tale prose with consideration of the theatre and drama training practice.

10. Composition:

- Composition principles and procedures.

- Dominant/semantic gestures.

- The title of a literary work and its function.

> Perspectives in the latest literature for children and youth.

11. Genology:

- Types and genres of literature with consideration of literature for children and youth and it changes.

Recommended or required reading:

BRUKNER, Josef; FILIP, Jiří. Poetický slovník. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1997. 368 s. ISBN 80-204-0650-6.

HAMAN, Aleš. Úvod do studia literatury a interpretace díla. Praha: H & H, 1999. 180 s. ISBN 80-86022-57-9 .

HRABÁK, Josef. Úvod do teorie verše. 4., rozš. vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1970. 260 s.

CHALOUPKA, Otakar; NEZKUSIL, Vladimír. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie dětské literatury I. Praha: Albatros, 1973. 116 s.

--. 1976. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie dětské literatury II. Praha: Albatros. 132 s.

--. 1979. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie dětské literatury III. Praha: Albatros. 152 s.

JAKOBSON, Roman. Poetická funkce. Praha: H & H, 1995. 748 s. ISBN 80-85787-83-0.

MOCNÁ, Dagmar aj. Encyklopedie literárních žánrů. Praha-Litomyšl: Paseka, 2004. 704 s. ISBN 80-7185-669-X.

MUKAŘOVSKÝ, Jan. Studie I. Brno: Host, 2000. 556 s. Ed. Strukturalistická knihovna, sv. 4. ISBN 80-86055-91-4

---. Studie II. Brno: Host, 2001. 598 s. Ed. Strukturalistická knihovna, sv. 5. ISBN 978-80-7294-240-4.

NOVÁK, J. V.; NOVÁK, Arne. Přehledné dějiny literatury české od nejstarších dob až po naše dny. 4., přepr. a rozš. vyd. Olomouc: R. Promberger, 1936-1939. 1804 s.

PROPP, Vladimir Jakovlevič. Morfologie pohádky a jiné studie. Přel. Miroslav Červenka, Marcela Pittermannová a Hana Šmahelová. Praha: H & H, 1999. 364 s. ISBN 80-86022-16-1.

PROVAZNÍK, Jaroslav. 2002. Literatura pro české děti v posledním desetiletí. Duha. 2002, roč. 16, č. 1. ISSN 0862-1985.

RIMMON-KENAN(OVÁ), Shlomith. Poetika vyprávění. Přel. Vanda Pickettová. Brno: Host, 2001. 174 s. Přel. z: Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics [1983] . ISBN 80-7294-004-X.

SEDLÁK, Ján. Epické žánre v literatúre pre mládež. Bratislava : Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo, 1972. 272 s.

SIROVÁTKA, Oldřich. Česká pohádka a pověst v lidové tradici a dětské literatuře. Praha: Ústav pro etnografii a folkloristiku AV ČR, 1998. 184 s. ISBN 80-85010-06-2.

ŠMAHELOVÁ, Hana. Návraty a proměny: Literární adaptace lidových pohádek. 2., upr. vyd. Praha: Albatros, 1989. 240 s.

ŠUBRTOVÁ, Milena. 1998. Kapitoly ze světové literatury pro mládež I, II. Brno : CERM. 16, 16 s. ISBN 80-7204-072-3, ISBN 80-7204-093-6.

URBANOVÁ, Svatava. Meandry a metamorfózy dětské literatury. Olomouc : Votobia, 2003. 368 s. ISBN 80-7198-548-1

VLAŠÍN, Štěpán (ed.). Slovník literární teorie. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1977. 472 s.

VORÁČEK, Jaroslav; CHALOUPKA, Otakar. Kontury české literatury pro mládež: od začátku 19. století po současnost. 2., revid. vyd. Praha: Albatros, 1984. 540 s.

WELLEK, René; WARREN, Austin. Teorie literatury. Přel. Miloš Calda. Olomouc: Votobia, 1996. 560 s. Přel. z: Theory of Literature. ISBN 80-7198-150-8.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Kredity jsou uděleny na základě:

- aktivity na přednáškách a seminářích,

- vypracování seminární práce.

Během semestru se vyžaduje samostatná četba a aktivní účast v diskusích na seminářích.

Podmínky úspěšného ukončení předmětu: aktivní účast na seminářích, zpracování seminární práce.

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