History of Theatre from the Arts Management View 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Semester |
206DPR2 | Z | 2 | 2/T | summer |
- Subject guarantor:
- Doubravka SVOBODOVÁ
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Doubravka SVOBODOVÁ
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the economic and political situation in a given period, manners of operating a theatre performance, advertisement, promotion, organization of theatre personnel, the placement of theatre in society, character of theatre building.
- Mode of study:
Students will either independently complete a course paper on an assigned topic or summarize an work presented from an earlier period which expands one's study of a particular period. The course papers will be presented by the students during the course and in subsequent moderated discussions comparisons are made with contemporary practice.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
The course builds on knowledge acquired during the Theatre in Czech Culture baccalaureate study.
- Course contents:
Students complete independent course work on given topics which are presented during the course. 80% attendance, completion of given tasks and passing of written tests is required.
Theatre in Kotcích.
Kočovné Societyi.
Prague Arena.
Pavel Švanda from Semčice.
Prozatímní Theatre.
The National Theatre.
Vinohrady Theatre.
German Theatre society in Czech lands 1880-1938.
Brno Theatre 1870-1938.
Theatre in Pilsen up to 1938.
Regional Theatre up to 1918.
Prague Theatre 1918-1938.
Regional Theatre 1918-1938.
historical relationships,
political arrangements of lands in a give period - changes, etc.,
economic situation of a country (currency buying power),
demographics (composition of population, population numbers in cities),
legislative situation (laws which impact theatre),
what is the position of theatre and theatre ensembles in society,
„theatre network“.
The legal position of societies („founders“ etc. and what obligation arise from this).
How large are the groups?
How are they financed (who is the producer).
What genre is the most frequent.
Who leads the ensemble.
Internal organization - spider, how many members - what professions..., how are they compensated.
How often do they play.
How often, where and in what manner do rehearse.
Where are new members garnered (actors, writers, musicians..).
Where do they play (ex: coaching - why, where, how do they get gigs etc?).
Texts. - Where are they acquired, at what cost....
Decoration - equipping, cost (props).
Costumes - equipping, cost (masks, make-up, wigs...).
Music etc. (musical instruments used, sounds, etc)
Where do they most frequently play.
Who runs the theatre space (building).
A construction and its characteristics (building description, material, stage and backstage equipment, auditorium, spectator background, capacity, technical equipment- lighting, sound-acoustic equipment, stage technology, new set „inventions“, etc.).
Special effects.
Safety (rules, new regulations, etc.).
relationship to the media,
ticketing - prices, how are they selected (discounts, subscriptions, etc.),
starting performances (reasons, how many times per day),
how many reprises of a production on average,
relationship to the competition (other ensembles, „amateur“ ensembles, other types of art),
audience composition,
research - surveys.
necessary expenses,
adjacent actvities.
professional associations,
common management - set decoration producers, costume rentals, agents, etc.,
theatre schools,
other interests.
period documentation, educational documentation,
list of literature and sources used.
- Recommended or required reading:
BARTOŠ, JOSEF: Prozatímní divadlo a jeho činohra
BARTOŠ, JOSEF: Prozatímní divadlo a jeho opera
BUDIL, VENDELÍN: Z mých ředitelských vzpomínek
CÍSAŘ, JAN: Přehled dějin českého divadla. I. - Od počátků do r. 1862
CÍSAŘ, JAN: Přehled dějin českého divadla. II. - 1862 - 1942
ČERNÝ, FRANTIŠEK: Kalendárium dějin českého divadla.
ČERNÝ, FRANTIŠEK: Kapitoly z dějin českého divadla..
ČERNÝ, FRANTIŠEK: Měnivá tvář divadla
Česká divadla - encyklopedie divadelních souborů. (Ed.: Eva Schormová) Divadelní ústav, Praha 2000
Dějiny českého divadla I. - IV. Academia, Praha 1968 - 1983
Divadelní revue
Divadlo v Kotcích
HEDVÁBNÝ, ZDENĚK: Divadlo na Vinohradech 1907-1997
HILMERA, JIŘÍ: česká divadelní architektura.
JAHN, BEDŘICH: Divadla za Koňskou a Žitnou branou
JAVORIN, ALFRÉD: Divadla a divadelní sály v českých krajích. I. a II. díl.
JAVORIN, ALFRÉD: Pražské arény.
KNAP, JOSEF: Zöllnerové
NERUDA, JAN: Divadelní studie a referáty (I. a IV.)
NERUDA, JAN: Divadlo (I. - V.)
NOVOTNÝ, ANTONÍN: Karlínské divadlo Varieté
NOVOTNÝ, ANTONÍN: Staropražští komedianti a jiné atrakce 1800-1850
Ottův divadelní slovník
ROUBÍNEK, OTA: F. F. Šamberk
STANKOVSKÝ, J. J.: Vlastencové z Boudy
ŠMAHA, JOSEF: Dělali jsme divadlo
ŠNAJPERKOVÁ, SIMONA: Pavel Švanda ze Semčic
ŠTECH, VÁCLAV: Džungle literární a divadelní
ŠTECH, VÁCLAV: Městské divadlo na Královských Vinohradech za mé správy
ŠTECH, VÁCLAV: Vinohradský případ
ŠUBERT, F. A.: Dějiny národního divadla v Praze 1883-1900
ŠUBERT, F. A.: Krise a budoucnost Měst. div. Král. Vinohradů
TÁBORSKÝ, V. Š.: Dějiny venkovských divadelních společností
TÁBORSKÝ, V. Š.: Přehled vzniku a vývoje českého divadla, hl. venkovského
Vybrané bakalářské a magisterské práce.
- Assessment methods and criteria:
80% class participation, completion of assignments and passage of the written credit test is required.
Credit is awarded based on:
class participation - 15%,
completion of the course paper - 40%,
paper presentation - 20%,
final test - 25%.
- Course web page:
- Note:
Notice: To Winter semester 2010/2011 students: I was exceptionally lenient. The era of hesitation and defense is over!
- Further information:
- Course may be repeated
- This course is an elective for all students of this school
- Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel 16:00–17:30 Doubravka SVOBODOVÁ přednášková par. 1 - The subject is a part of the following study plans: