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Fundraising I.

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206FRA1 Z 1 24/S Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim of the study is to introduce students to fundamental fundraising possibilities. It is impossible to expect that the students will receive „universal instructions.“ What is appropriate and lucrative for one maybe a loss for another. Fundraising is a vigorous, original and creative process. This course offers inspiration and guides for the path by which the students can use in their future practice. An important part of the course is the lecture regarding the personal securing of fundraising and the importance of management and advisory groups. At the close the students will be given and overview of the main methods of fundraising and their application with individual donating groups.

Mode of study:

This course will be lead in an interactive manner with the use of various discussion techniques, group work, simulation and role playing and other methods of experiential instruction. Students will not only receive the necessary knowledge but as well new practice materials and initial experience.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Course contents:

This is an intensive instruction course which is divided into 4 six-hour seminars in which are followed by a final credit seminar.

1. Seminar - fundamental principles of fundraising, motivation and searching for donors

How to be rid of the impression that no one will give us anything and why would anyone give us anything.

Why are they giving us money? - donor motivation.

Does anyone need us? - Who are our donors and where and how do we find them?

How to receive funds for our activities.

2. Seminar - preparations of the organization for fundraising, organization and securing personnel.

Who are we and how to present the mission of the organization.

What is the yearly report, other documents and informational materials for fundraising.

Who should handle everything and where to find capable fundraising personnel.

Management boards and teamwork in fundraising.

Analysis of organizational preparedness for a fundraising campaign.

3. Seminar - Categories of donors, fundraising methods (part 1)

Types of donors and how to approach them.

Acquiring funds from state and local government.

Endowments and funds and running the project.

4. Seminar - Fundraising methods (Part 2), basic fundraising planning

Basic Commercial donating.

How to address donors and how to ask for money and not beg.

Individual donating and spectator clubs (fan clubs).

Culture merchandising and income development.

How to create a system out of random fundraising.

5. Seminar - Final exam and credit.

Recommended or required reading:

Ledvinová, Jana, Základy fundraisingu, ICN, Praha: 1996 (Studenti tuto publikaci obdrží na prvním semináři v elektronické podobě)

- Joan Flanagan, Successful Fundraising, Contemporary Books, Inc, Chicago, USA, 1991

- Knihovna fundraisingu na www.fundraising.cz

Assessment methods and criteria:

The receipt of credits is conditioned by:

- paricipation in the seminars (minimum of 75%)

- fulfilling various tasks mostly in small groups during lectures

- final written exam

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
06.11.2015 10:00–15:00 Jana LEDVINOVÁ
přednášková par. 1
13.11.2015 10:00–15:00 Jana LEDVINOVÁ
přednášková par. 1
20.11.2015 10:00–15:00 Jana LEDVINOVÁ
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07