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Fundraising II.

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206FRB1 Z 1 24/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

- To develop and supplement fundamental knowledge of fundraising principles and methods acquired in the previous instruciton.

- To introduce the legal aspects of source development.

- To introduce fundraising campaign planning principles and long-term fundraising plans.

Mode of study:

In individual lessons principles of long-term work with a donator and development of donation potential is emphasized. Students have the opportunity in the course to work on their own project and plan the development of resources for defined goals. During the implementation of their projects, students apply knowledge and skill acquired in both courses (Fundraising 1 and Fundraising 2). The course takes place in part through E-learning, particularly the individual consultations over student projects.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

206FUA1 Fundraising I. 1

Course contents:

The course is divided into 8 topics:

1. Developing a grant request for a project

The grant process

Investigating and cultivating relationships with grant providers

Types of grant requests

2. The written development of a project step by step

Project summary

Information pages abut the organization

Project mission and target group analysis

Project aims and methods to achieve them

Overview of tasks and scheduling

Human resources

Methods of receiving feedback and project assessment



Necessary documentation


3. Corporate donations

Advantages and disadvantages of support from the corporate sector

Strategies for acquiring corporate donations

Criteria for selecting supported organizations or projects

Trends in the development of corporate sector social responsibility

4. Types of corporate support

„Shared marketing“

Employee contributions

„Loan“ of management or employees

Donated services or merchandise

Contributions to advertisement or promotional materials

Work in a steering committe or other important organ

Compiling letters and presentation materials

Conversations with donors

5. Individual donations

What do we know about individual donations?

Effectivity of individual methods of fundraising

Criteria for assessing individual campaigns

Pyramid fundraising

6. Individual donation methods

Media campaigns

Benefit events

Mail campaigns

Telephone campaigns

Personal meetings with individual donors

Establishing long-term collaboration with a donor

Building a club of supporters

7. Legal aspects of fundraising

Forms of legal offers of donations and sponsorships

Donations agreements

Sponsorship agreements

Grant agreements

Long-term collaboration contracts with donors

8. Fundraising planning

Analysis of the campaign for acquiring financing

Support categories

Types of fundraising plans

Resource planning

Plan for yearly income from fundraising.

Recommended or required reading:

Over 100 pages of study material is provided by the lector in the beginning of the course. Sections of the program refer to electronic sources of further information particularly in English but also in Czech.

- JUDr. Karel Pešta, Některé právní otázky získávaní a poskytování finančních prostředků a jiných výhod neziskovými organizacemi, České centrum fundraisingu, Praha, duben 2005

- Jana Ledvinová, Peníze do kapsy - Příručka pro získávání finančních prostředků pro NGO z místních zdrojů, Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, Balitomore MD, USA, 1995

Fundraising library at: www.fundraising.cz

Assessment methods and criteria:

The receipt of credits is conditioned by:

- paricipation in the seminars (minimum of 75%)

- fulfilling various tasks mostly in small groups during lectures

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
13.05.2016 09:00–16:30 Jana LEDVINOVÁ
paralelka 1
14.05.2016 09:00–16:30 Jana LEDVINOVÁ
paralelka 1
15.05.2016 09:00–16:30 Jana LEDVINOVÁ
paralelka 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07