Private and public law in practice 1
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
206SVP1 | ZK | 4 | 2/T | Czech | winter |
- Subject guarantor:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
1. Introduce students to the basic institutes of privacy laws in relation to the execution of production activities in theatre operations
2. Introduces students to the appropriate standards of public domain having an impact on theatre operations
3. Adopting knowledge, skills and abilities so the students are able to comprehend the basic standards of private and civil law and apply them at least to the performance of production in theatre operations.
- Mode of study:
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
- Course contents:
1. Personal rights, civil rights, legal personality, person, legal entity, foundations of the civil code.
2. Legal forms, societies, foundations, endowments, institutes
3. consumer, entrepreneur, representation, power of attorney, objects and their divisions, securities
4. legal negotiations, legal reality, presentation of legal negotiations, content and form of legal negotiations, immateriality
5. Relative property rights, general establishment of obligations, concluding contracts, contract content, contract forms, contract effects, Letter of intent
6. Purchase, donation, exchange
7. acquisition, borrowing, lending, credit line, rent
8. Work, licence contract, application in practice
9. Commission, mediation, innominate contract (theatre excursion, collaboration)
10. Labor code, definition and moorings, basic of labor code, indications of dependent labor, „black market system“
11. Work contract, agreement for work performed beyond the employment relationship, resignation, immediate termination
12. Corporate law, definition and moorings, company, company management, membership, rise of membership and company
13. Types and overview of individual coporations with a view to the potential and appropriateness of their use as legal forms of theatre.
- Recommended or required reading:
1. zákon č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, v platném a účinném znění, důvodová zpráva, komentáře
2. zákon č. 90/2012 Sb., o obchodních korporacích, v platném a účinném znění, důvodová zpráva, komentáře
3. zákon č. 262/2006 Sb., zákoník práce, v platném a účinném znění, důvodová zpráva, komentáře
4. Srstka, J., Chloupek,V., Košut,V.: Divadelní smlouvy, v ediční přípravě, rok vydání 2014
5. konkrétní právní předpisy v oblasti veřejného práva (dle osnovy druhého semestru)
6. Hurdík J. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné, obecná část, Čeněk 2013
7. Dvořák T.: Obecně prospěšná společnost, Kluwer 2010
8. Bělohlávek A. a kol.: Komentář k zákonu o obchodních korporacích, Čeněk 2013
9. Raban, P. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné, relativní majetková práva, Klemm 2013
- Assessment methods and criteria:
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Further information:
- No schedule has been prepared for this course
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Arts Management (M.A.) (compulsory subject)