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Central European Theatre 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207SED1 ZK 4 2/T Czech winter and summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1. Acquaint students with the events and forms of Central European theatre, which are in their development linked to a number of mutual contextures.

2. The given course will gradually map out the development of theatre in individual Central European countries and mutual inter-cultural and international influences from the Modern, that is from the turn of the 20th century to the present.

3. Various semesters will focus on various areas and forms of Central European theatre and drama and the forms and development of some language and state proveniences compared.

4. Students acquire in lectures an awareness of the history of theatre in Centeral Europe, its historical, cultural and societal contexts and the mutual super-national relationships.

5. In classes, students learn to define and review issues and topics regarding individual Central European countries and their theatre culture and mutual inter-cutural relations in Central European areas.

Mode of study:

Readings of theatre writings and secondary writings. Discussions, contact instruction - comparison and comment. Discussion oon student verbal contributions selected according to individual topics. Active discussion on individual topic blocks. Comparison of the form of the modern and theatre and drama culture in Austria, Czech lands and Poland at the turn of the 20th century.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

1. General knowledge of the history of Czech and world theatre.

2. General knowledge of Czech and world drama pieces.

3. Critique, analysis and discussion skills.

Course contents:

History and forms of Central European theatre are in their development linked to a number of mutual relations. The given course will gradually map out the development of theatre in individual Central European countries and mutual inter-cultural and international influences from the Modern, that is the turn of the 20th century.

Summer semester 2016

German, Czech, Polish and Hungarian modern, similarities and differences, mutual relations and contacts:

- naturalism in Germany (Otto Brahm - Berlin Free Stage and The Deutsches Theatre, Gerhard Hauptmann)

- German and Czech Secessionism

- Max Reinhardt's theatre reform

- Bauhaus and Walter Groppius, Lothar Schreyer, Augus Stramm, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer

- expressionism in Germany, predecessors (F. Wedeking, O. Kokoschka, G. Strindberg), drama, writers, directing, staging, actor (H. Walden - magazines and theatre Sturm; G. Kaiser, E. Toller, P. Korfeld, Hasenclever, F. Werfel, F. Kafka; Leopold Jessner, Otto Falckenberg, Berthold Viertel, Karl-Heinz Martin, partially M. Reinhardt and E. Piscator; Edvard Munch, Karl Walser, Robert Neppach, Oskar Kokoschka; Alexander Moissi, Agness Sorma, Fritz Kortner)

- expressionism in Czech Theatre and drama: F. Zavřel, F. Kysela - Dykovo Zmoudření Dona Quijota; K. H. Hilar - Directing mass theatre, Divadlo na Vinohradech, Národní divadlo, V. Hofman; Karel and Josef Čapek, Jan Bartoš, V. Dyk; Actors V. Vydra, J. Kronbauerová, R. Tuma, B. Zakopal

- Mickiewicz-Leon Schiller-Wyspiański, Reduta

- Young Poland, S. I. Witkiewicz, playwright, painter, photographer, member of the Polish modern and European Avant-garde, found of Formistic theatre.

- Sándor Hevési and the Hungarian modern

Recommended or required reading:

General recommended readings:

Bürger, Peter: Teorie avantgardy. Stárnutí moderny, Praha: AVU 2015.

Braun, Kazimierz: Druhá divadelní reforma, Praha: Divadelní ústav 1993

Brauneck, Manfred. Theater im 20. Jahrhundert. Programmschriften, Stilperioden, Reformmodelle, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2001.

FISCHER-LICHTE, Erike. Dějiny drámy, Bratislava: Divadelný ústav, 2003.

Fuchs, Georg: Revoluce divadla

KŠICOVÁ, Danuše. Secese. Slovo a tvar, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Brno 1998.

Pörtner, Paul: Experimentální divadlo, Praha: Orbis, 1965

Szondi, Peter: Teória modernej drámy, Bratislava: Tatran, 1969.

German Modern:

Braulich, Heinrich. Max Reinhardt, divadlo mezi snem a skutečností, Praha: Orbis, 1969.

Fialová-Fürstová, Ingeborg. Expresionismus, Olomouc: Votobia, 2000.

Bahr, Erhard. Dějiny německé literatury 3


Brecht, Bertolt. Baal

Hasenclever, Walter. Syn

Kokoschka, Oskar. Orfeus a Eurydiké, Praha: Transteatral

WEDEKIND, Frank. Lulu (Erdgeist)

Wedekind, Frank. Probuzení jara, Praha: Artur, 2011.

Werfel, Franz. Kozlí zpěv

Czech modern - recommended:

Urban, Otto, M.-Merhaut, Luboš (eds.): Moderní revue 1894-1925, Praha: Torst, 1995

Česká divadla. Encyklopedie divadelních souborů, Divadelní ústav, Praha 2000, ed. Šormová, E.

Čornej, Petr a kol.: Česká literatura na předělu století, Praha: H + H, 2001.

Černý, František (ed.). Dějiny českého divadla III a IV, Praha: Academia - vybrané části

Miholová, Kateřina: Zmoudření dona Quijota, CD-Rom

Ptáčková, Věra. Česká scénografie XX. století, Praha: Odeon, 1983


Bartoš, Jan. Krkavci

Čapek, Karel. Loupežník


Čapkové, K. a J. Lásky hra osudná

Ze života hmyzu

Adam Stvořitel

Dyk, Viktor. Epizoda; Posel, Zmoudření Dona Quijota; Veliký mág; Revoluční trilogie

Hilbert, Jaroslav: Vina

Karásek ze Lvovic, Jiří. Sen o říši krásy

Polish Modern:

Jiřík, Jan: Divadelní studio Reduta jako příklad modernistické utopie. Disertační práce, UK FF KDV Praha 2013

Pelikán, Jarmil: Nástin dějin polské dramatiky, Brno 1978

Pelikán, Jarmil: Nástin dějin polského divadla, Brno 1988


Gombrowicz, Witold: Matka

Opereta, DILIA 1979

Yvona, princezna burgundánská, Divadlo 1969, č. 4

Svatba, DILIA 1981

Witkiewicz, Stanislaw Ignacy: Hry/ II., Votobia 2002

Hry, Odeon 1990

Vodní slípka, DILIA 1968

Polish Modern:

Jiřík, Jan: Divadelní studio Reduta jako příklad modernistické utopie. Disertační práce, UK FF KDV Praha 2013

Jiřík, Jan: Vánoční a Velikonoční hra Leona Schillera, DR 2009.

Hyvnar, Jan. Witkiewiczova čistá forma v divadle

Pelikán, Jarmil: Stručný nárys polského dramatu, Praha 1971

Světové divadlo 9. Tovstonogov - Brook - Kantor - Tolstoj - Shakespeare - Witkiewicz, Praha 1979

Hungarian Modern:

Füst, Milán: Nešťastníci

Šarlih, Karel - Husová, Marcella: Česká moderna v Uhrách, maďarská moderna v Čechách. In: Čas moderny. Studie a materiály / České Budějovice : Jihočeská univerzita, 2006, s. 184-201.

Elective - Kun, Eva. Die Theaterarbeit von Sándor Hevési. Ungarns Beitrag zur Reform des europäischen Theaters im 20. Jahrhundert, München, 1978.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Students who complete the course with 4 credits are credits awarded based on:

Class participation: discussion, critical reviews, analyses

working with the assigned readings

preparation of approx: 2 papers during the semester which are submitted in at least a brief form.

Course web page:

If less than 3 students register for the course, it may be cancelled.

Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
místnost S412

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 12:30–14:00 Zuzana AUGUSTOVÁ Učebna
Karlova 26, Praha 1
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
místnost S412

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 12:30–14:00 Zuzana AUGUSTOVÁ Učebna
Karlova 26, Praha 1
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07