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Methodology Seminar 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
300MD1 ZK 1 6/S Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To expand methodology results in the preparation of the bachelor's thesis and in the light of this to evaluate the proportion of the topic and imagined development in relation to the extent and requirements for the bachelor's thesis. The methodology course does not substitute any departmental bachelor's thesis course. It is merely another type of feedback.

Mode of study:

Module type instruction in two parts. The first part is as a group for all, taking place in December (considering that students must submit their topic to KOS at the end of the previous year this is sufficient time for its development) and their aim is an acquaintance with the methodolgical steps related to the bachelor's thesis (as registered in KOS with the research and writing). Part of the course is, also, samples of inspirational examples of expanding the writing which is required of the students. The second part takes place in the KOS dates as multiple individualized modules (14 per student), where each briefly presents their measureable results and the methodology information and is given feedback. RESULTS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR - THEREFORE READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Academic practice from the previous writing of course papers is required (knowledge of extent, working with sources, bibliography, etc.)

A basic requirement is attendance at the second part of the module - presentation in small groups - as applies to the previous submitted material - relevantly formulated topic of the bachelor's thesis (not a general range but a realistic topic - we repeatedly encounter this problem) including methods of completion (ex: this is a compilation of the literature, supplemented by one's own interpretation or for example, working with primary sources in the form of an interview and subsequent interpretation, what key is selected for the selection of respondents or work, which the writer will deal with, etc.), the results of the basic resource research (literature, lists of imagined respondents, etc.)

Basic general foundation to be submitted in advance. It is not necessary to consider the following as a questionnaire but as a guide in the writing of a structured, coherent text.

Thesis topic

A precise and specific designation of that which it is to cover. Does it correspond to the topic of the imagined size? Does it reflect the topic as titled? I am sure that I have found a topic - a clearly formed starting perspective - not broad issues in which the topic has to be found. Is the topic sufficiently original? I am sure that the this does not already exist. If it exists, how does my piece compare against it?

Limiting issues

What are you going to cover? (At least a half a standard page), Including references to the context of to-date development of the topic.

It is also good to ask yourself and answer these questions:

Why should this topic be covered? Is it worth developing? What professional or even research procedures must I use to complete it? Is the topic sufficiently complex to correspond to the considerations of the bachelor's thesis? Is it sufficiently original - has it been done before?

Establishing goals:

What issues does it cover? What time and territorial limitations does it have?


What questions, to be covered in the topic, to answer? What do I not know beforehand and what will come up in my work? What origin/hypothesis - what do I presume will arise? (The paper will confirm or refute it).

Limiting types/genres:

Is the paper empirical, theoretic, an essay or present a model?


Approximately what genre will my work be? (ex: monography, topical monography, comparative study, deep interpretation, manual with review of the issue, essay, etc.)

What manner will use in preparing and writing?

How do I get original information for may work and how do I develop it?

Will I interpret it in a new manner existing description and issue analysis?

Will I proceed deductively - my starting point wil lbe some general issue and amy work demonstrates how it is manifested and with extensive examples?

Will I proceed inductively - from a description to its generalities?

Will I analyse some issue/piece?

Will I compare various things - at the same level - analyses and extract a comparison of new ideas?

Am I creating a concept which I will experiment with and develop the result of the experiment?

Will I work with surveys and interviews? (Yes? Present at least a partial list of questions which for the respondents.)

Will I study documentation on an issue (technological manuals, etc.), reviewing the method of presentation and current procedures and create new, original ones? What, in this new case will be my contribution?

Basic questions which need to be asked at each point:

I have researched a sufficient range of literature and other sources which cover the same issue so I can with a clear conscious determin the measure and proportion of originality of my work, or admittedly (with the use of citations) proceed withing the already published findings?

Time schedule:

With what, when and where will I deal with this? (research, visits, travel, writing).

Literature and information sources:

Books, magazine articles, or internet sources which I have considered in the writing. A list of people whom I wish to interview.

State final exam registration process (SZZ)

1) SZZ takes place in June and in Sept/Oct of the year (in harmony with the current academic year schedule).

2) The student registers for the SZZ in KOS.

3) SZZ dates at each department is announced at the secretary's office in the department by the end of March, in the Dept. KOS and in the KOS established submission dates for theory and practice papers at the department. These dates are available to the student in KOS and are obligatory for the students.

4) Students registar for the SZZ in their KOS at least 30 days before the SZZ test date.

5) The student is required in their SZZ registration, to complete the attached VSKP section: Title and work abstract (Czech and English), paper advisor, paper language, paper format. In submission at the department (see point 3) the student completes with the dept. secretary the remaining sections for VSKP and uploads an electronic version of the paper to KOS. The writing must be in PDF format and all attachments create a whole. As well, the student completes a check of the SZZ admissions. The student may be admitted to the SZZ only upon completion of all required elements and acquisition of sufficient credit points for the study plan.

6) The student may not be admitted to the SZZ if payment for study has not been made or a settlement arrangement with the AMU Skodni commission has not been made.

7) Third-year students in bachelor study and 2nd-year Master's study students who immediately at the end of the year do not register for SZZ automatically become Expectant. This is announced at the study department at least by the end of the exam re-take period.

8) The student is required to submit upon completion of study in all completed section and individual workplaces, a confirmation exit document (the form may be obtained on the web in the section "for students/study department, that is in paper form at the Study Department). Photography Dept. student use the Dept. of Photography Exit Document. Students in other departments use the Exit document for other department students. Students may submit the Exit document at any time prior to the SZZ date, at least 7 calendar days after the beginning of SZZ. Student at the end of the bachelor's study, who register and are accepted to master's study do not submit an Exit document.

9) From SZZ the student may deregister at least one calendar day before the beginning of SZZ by contacting the department secretary who removes the student from KOS.

10) For students who directly upon completion of bachelor's study begin master's study the following instructions are used.

a) Complete an electronic registration on the web (For those interested i study / Electronic registration and forms / Electronic registration for study), which is available from May 1 to June 22 and the student is obliged to deliver the printed copy to the Study Dept. at least by the 30th of June (in accordance to the published instruction on admissions).

b) A student who from bachelor's study immediately begins master's study must not include attachements or confirmation of administrative fees payment (i.e. is not required to pay the admission fees).

c) The student may at the Study department request a cancellation of the registration until the 10th of Sept.

Course contents:

This course takes place in two parts: the first, group part takes place in Dec. at FAMU in Classroom 1 - PERSONAL ATTENDANCE IS NECESSARY AND NOT SUBSTITUTABLE! (information regarding dates will be received by email through KOS). Students are acquainted with all formal parameters of their future paper and resources needed. Part of this introduction is, also, instruction on the study dept obligations of students in relation to submitting theses with the completion of a license agreement and other important information in KOS.

The second part takes place in small groups (up to 12 students) on dates announced in KOS during the following weeks. Each student briefly presents their previously submitted results (the submitted writing is projected on a screen) and there is feedback on the methodology parameters of the results and validation in which the level of results preparation is evaluated. Students may receive an assignment to further develop, correct or refine the written results rather than a validation.

The course content focuses primarily on the methodology of acquiring information, manners of developing it and practice in composition with consideration on the topic. This course is linked to the bachelor's class (or consultations in workshops) at individual departments which are linked to it. The course is intended for bachelor students who come with an already formulated topic for their bachelor's thesis and method of completion.

Recommended or required reading:

Dean's announcements and other notifications include everything for the bachelor's thesis:


Links with useful bibilographic and writings databases:


Umberto Eco: Jak napsat diplomovou práci, Votobia Olomouc 1997

Jadviga Šanderová: Jak číst a psát odborný text ve společenských vědách, SLON Praha 2007

Assessment methods and criteria:


a) Submission of concept of one's bachelor's thesis at least 5 days before the beginning of the exam registration - that is the second part of the module with group work (email to „petr.kubica@famu.cz“ and „vit.janecek@famu.cz“, in the subject line write „METHODOLOGY CLASS - your surname and name without diacritics“).

Along with the topic must be a clear presentation of the methodolgy process and sources (literature, documentation, interviews, manner of material interpretation, writing vs. working with images, etc.). As well the basic hypothesis. Usually the optimal extent of this material is 3-4 standard pages, additional details may be found in the Pre-requisite section.

b) 100% attendance

Masters or Bachelor candidates of other education instutions may by the end of Oct. of each academic year request recognition of this course with the submission of their bachelor's thesis at FAMU + work concept as presented above in the pre-requisites. Grades will be recorded upon agreement in consultation classes, resulting writing must be sent at least one week prior to the announced exam dates.

Course web page:


Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07