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Technical Training 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373BTC1 Z 2 4/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The aim of the course is an introduction to the basic production and post-production tools of audio-visual creations.

Mode of study:

Series of practical instructional modules.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Course contents:

Open Software

Lecturers: Kryštof Pešek, Georgy Bagdasarov

Basic introduction to the concept of of open software. Software as a continual process of commuicating human effort. Presentation of GNU software, individual package systems, alternatives to popular closed tools, and help in system installation.

File formats, digital post-production schemes

Lecturers: Martin Blažíček, Ondřej Vavrečka

Introduction to audio-visual post-production, media, formats and workflows. Practical: preparation of project workflow, import/export materials, conversion, creating film editing from diverse video materials

Introduction to the Intemedia Institute

Instructors: Jakub Hybler, Miloš Vojtěchovský contact: hybler et iim.cz

Work basics and secure in IIM, Basic equipment of IIM, Fundamentals of lighting technology, multi-channel sound, multi-screen (from multiple projectors and synchronization)l

Introduction to sound

Lecturer: Sara Pinheiro

Soundwalk (meeting point is DOX's cafeteria)

The first session of our exercise will be a field-trip. This sound-walk is an introduction to Soundscape Theory. It starts with a short explanation of the concepts of keynotes, sound-signals and sound-marks as found in Murray Schaeffer's, Tuning the World Project. There will also be an introduction to Michel Chion's concepts of casual, semantic and reduced listening modes. This will be our starting point to then work on the blok's exercises.

This exercise aims to ntroduce the main theory and technical skills for sound-making. The idea is to approach sound from a creative perspective, to develop an ability to understand the implications of audition and the technology in our work. Initially, the point is to think of sound-material that is convenient for one another’s work and, accordingly to those needs, approach recording, editing, mixing and amplifying techniques.

Graphic design in electronic environments

Lecturer: Martin Blažíček

Graphics composition, Adobe Photoshop. Layers, objects, bitmaps and vectors, working with color. Practical: Graphics composition.

Interactive Document design

Lecturer: Martin Blažíček

Fundamental elements of HTML5/CSS documents with javascript elements, design and interaction. Practical: Electronic document with interactive elements.

Camera and editing

Lecturer: Ondřej Vavrečka

Summary Practical „I Need to Show You This“. A Practical, introduced at the first workshop in 2014, which serves as an introduction to film language language. Students prepare a simple topic to which they are personally connected and about which they would like to share with an audience through film media. The resulting piece should include a final communication in a language of images and demonstrates one's position towards the topic. Emphasis is place on the process of how the piece is generated and its ability to communicate with others. The film is to be presented in Poněšice, where the student has the opportunity to experience the film's effect on the big screen and before an open-minded audience. During the final film screenings at the summary exam will be time to polish the film. Film length: 3 - 6 min.

Klazurní cvičení „Potřebuji vám ukázat toto“. Cvičení, které bude uvedeno na první dílně roku 2014, slouží jako úvod do filmové řeči. Student si připraví jednoduché téma, se kterým je osobně vnitřně spojen a o kterém by chtěl zpravit diváka filmovým sdělením. Výsledným dílem by měl vytvořit uzavřené sdělení v řeči obrazů a ukázat svou pozici, kterou k tématu zaujímá. Důraz je kladen jak na proces vzniku díla tak na jeho schopnost komunikovat s druhými. Film se prezentuje v Poněšicích, kde má student možnost zakusit, jak jeho dílo působí na velkém plátně a před nezaujatým publikem. Mezi závěrečným promítáním filmu na klauzurách tak vzniká ještě čas jeho tvar vybrousit. Délka filmu: 3-6 min.

Recommended or required reading:


Assessment methods and criteria:

100% attendance in all modules, independently implemented projects according to assignment by the instructor.

Course web page:

The creation of this course is a reaction to long-term experience with student limits in or significant disproportional knowledge of the basic use and context of audio-visual technology. It is intended primarily for 1st year students in Audio-visual studies. Other students are welcomed if space allows.

Instruction is focused on an understanding of the relationships of and entry-level skills in working with HW and SW in developing image and sound. There are a number of examples for this topic on the internet. For instruction we have selected the most appropriate considering the needs of our students.

Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
místnost 423
Učebna CAS 423

(Lažanský palác)
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 14:00–17:15 Martin BLAŽÍČEK Učebna CAS 423
Lažanský palác
paralelka 1
Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2016-07-07