Fine Arts of 20th century 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
373VKM2 | ZK | 2 | 2/T | Czech | summer |
- Subject guarantor:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The aim of the lectures, divided into 4 semester blocks, is to introduce students to the development of the broadly defined visual culture from the second half of the 19th century to today. The presentation will not be limited to only a listing or comparison of individual artists or art directions but will focus on a wider societal-historical context of the generation of modern art including relationships with other related artistic disciplines. Individual, chronologically covered topics will present the social changes of the audience and artists, marking the relationship between technological developments and art media and approach the modern artistic scene of the globalized world. Attention will be given to the historically developing theories of modernism and potential methodlogical approaches to 20th century culture. The independent blocks will be devoted to important persons in art over the last 150 years as well as topics from the world of mass culture in which the dynamics of cultural productions of our civilizaton with be defined.
- Mode of study:
Attendance at lectures and reading of required texts
Discussion about texts and lecture topics from classes.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
In the oral exam: to manage a monologue about a randomly picked topic from the following range:
- Course contents:
11. 2.
John Cage. Experiments with Happenings, Black Mountain College, Allan Kaprow
Recommended reading: John Cage: Silence, tranzit, Praha 2010
18. 2.
Pop Art in Great Britain, Edward Paolozzi and Richard Hamilton, Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg in the U.S., Pop Art and Andy Warhol
Recommended reading; Andy Warhol, Od A k B a zase zpět, Archa, Zlín 1990
25. 2.
Fluxus. George Maciunas, Nam June Paik. concept of intermedia
Required reading: Ben: Co je novost v umění. In: Slovo, písmo, akce, hlas, Československý spisovatel, Praha 1967, pps.185-206
Minimalism and post-minimalism. Robert Morris. Donald Judd, Eva Hesse, Robert Smithson. Sculpture in a broadened field.
Recommended literature: Michael Fried, Umění a objektovost. In: Před obrazem, OSVU, Praha, 1998, pps. 47-76.
10. 3.
Joseph Beuys. Osobni mythology, the artist as Shaman, art and political involvement
Recommended reading: Hellevi Rebmannová, Neviditelná skulptura, Votobia, Olomouc 1998
Formation and importance of conceptual art. Joseph Kosuth, Ilja Kabakov, Martin Creed
Recommended reading: Hellevi Rebmannová, Neviditelná skulptura, Votobia, Olomouc 1998
Performers of the 1970s and 80s Chris Burden, Jan Mlčoch, Jiří Kovanda, Ján Budaj, video art
Recommended reading: Jindřich Chalupecký, Na hranicích umění, Prostor 1990
Postmodernism, Art of the 1980s. Style pluralitz, Sherrie Levine, Cindy Sherman
Recommended reading: Suzi Gablik, Selhala moderna? Votobia 1995
Feminism and political identity, Mary Kelly, Guerilla Girls
Recommended reading: Linda Nochlin, Proč neexistovaly žádné velké umělkyně? In: Martina Pachmanová (ed.), Neviditelná žena, One Woman Press 2002
No lecture
21. 4.
Post-production and applied aesthetics. (Pierre Huyghe, Maurizio Cattelan)
Required reading: Nicolas Bourriaud, Postprodukce, Tranzit 2004
The Art of Collaboration. (Kateřina Šedá, Jeremy Deller, Aj Wej-wej)
Recommended reading: Jan Zálešák, Umění spolupráce, AVU 2011
Art and Globalization
12.5. Post-internet art, Ryan Trecartin, Jeremy Bailey, Martin Kohout, DIS Magazine
Recommended literature: A2, č. 24-2O14, postinternetové umění
- Recommended or required reading:
Walter Benjamin, Umělecké dílo ve věku své technické reprodukovatelnosti, in: Walter Benjamin, Literárněvědné studie, Oikoymenh, Praha 2009, str. 299 - 326.
Clement Greenberg, Avantgarda a kýč. In: Revue Labyrint, číslo 7 - 8, Praha 2000, str. 69 - 74.
Guy Debord, Zpráva o konstrukci situací a o podmínkách organizace a působení mezinárodní situacionistické tendence. In: Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, 4-5/2008, str. 7 - 30.
Generally recommended:
Amy Dempseyová, Umělecké styly, školy a hnutí, nakladatelství Slovart, Praha 2002.
hal foster, Rosalind Kraussová, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin Buchloh, Umění po roce 1900, Slovart 2007
Richard Osborne, Dan Strugis, Natalie Turner, Teorie umění, Portál, Praha 2008
Miroslav Lamač (ed.), Myšlenky moderních malířů, Odeon, Praha 1989.
- Assessment methods and criteria:
Attendance at lectures and active participation: 20%
Oral exam: 80%
- Course web page:
- není
- Note:
- Further information:
- This course is an elective for all AMU students
- Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel Thu 12:20–13:55 Tomáš POSPISZYL Učebna 2
Lažanský palácpřednášková par. 1 - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Photography CZ - Bachelor (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Bachelor (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)