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Tom Erisman:Masterclass a Workshop

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
304MTE Z 1 10/S anglicky letní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

Seznámení s tvorbou Toma Erismana: teoreticky i prakticky.

Aneb práce se stylizací v moderní evropské kinematografii.

Program bude v angličtině, ale špatně anglicky mluvící naleznou taktéž oporu!

Forma studia:

masterclass a workshop

Předpoklady a další požadavky:


Obsah kurzu:

Director of Cinematography Tom Erisman NSC reached international recognition as the key collaborator of Netherlands top director Alex van Warmerdam being the co-author of Warmerdams highly stylised cinematic world.

Besides that, Erisman works as a DoP for both cinema and television (and both fiction and documentary).

Masterclass will be realized as a moderated debate with the Lecturer including clips from his films. /Kino Pilotů - 2.6. 20.30/

During the workshop, the participants will be able to assist to a real shooting.

/FAMU Camera Dept. - 3.6. 10.30/

Tom Erisman will show them how to compose a small etude – master shot. The participants will receive a short script before to think over how they would film it themselves. Students will have a unique opportunity to see how Tom Erisman works on the spot, using a natural light and compositions...

Participation on this Masterclass is completed with two screenings held in Kino Pilotů:

2. 6. 2016

> 18:00 / Borgman (screening with the attendance of Tom Erisman)

3. 6. 2016

> 20:30 / Schneider vs. Bax (screening with the attendance of Tom Erisman)

The Masterclass takes place in the framework Cinematographer days (in cooperation with camera department FAMU, NFA, Kamera Oko) which includes also these events

tuesday 24.5.

20.30 Visita ou Memorias e Confissoes / Manoel de Oliveira - screening

wednesday 25.5.

18.00 Schneider vs. Bax (projection with an introductory lecture)

20.30 Borgman(projection with an introductory lecture)

thursday 26.5.

18.30 Cinematographers Short Film Competition / Ostrava Kamera Oko 2015+ announcement of DOPs for 2016

21.00 Party+concert - Café Neustadt

Information about the masterclass and workshop, the options can be obtained by asking on this e-mail : janasvagr@gmail.com

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:


Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

100% attendance and 100% participation for both events /Masterclass+Workshop/.

Webová stránka předmětu:

Reference screenings at / Referenční projekce v:

Kino Pilotů /25.5. 18.00 and 20.30, 2.6. 18.00, 3.6. 20.30/

2. 6. 2016

> 18:00 / Borgman (projekce za účasti Toma Erismana)

> 20:30 / Masterclass Toma Erismana (moderované setkání s kameramanem a projekce ukázek z filmů)

3. 6. 2016

> 11.30 Tom Erisman - Praktický workhop

> 20:30 / Schneider vs. Bax (projekce za účasti Toma Erismana)

Další informace:
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Platnost dat k 3. 7. 2017