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Documentary Photography 1

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EDO1 Z 1 26/S anglicky zimní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

Our first goal is to define the difference between „reportage“ and „documentary“ photography, searching for your „personal theme“ and consequently how keep working on it. „The personal theme“ and the spiral of time. Visual language of „reportage“ and „documentary“ photography,Learn what is the difference between documenting apart from interpreting reality in the world around us with one´s camera. To master working process with digital files, contact sheets, proof prints and finally to edit one´s work. That may strengthen your independence when working on assignments given by newspapers, magazines, and other institutions.

Learn how to get used to accepting criticism from the outside - one of the guarantees of personal growth. Also to evaluate work done by other photographers.

Master visual literacy and also to learn about who is our audience.Important is to gain knowledge about human types, body language in regard to producing strong and personal images.

To understand role of a success, recognition of our work in regard to our possible life in photography in a long run.What is morality and spirituality as good companions in our persuasion of photography. Authorship and its protection from electronic manipulation.

Vital part of our seminars will be dedicated to evaluating photographs.


The students assignments will be evaluated by supervising teacher , also the attendance of seminar in both semesters is 60%, individual engagement will contribute as well to final grading. For winter semester there are evaluated the two assignements bellow:

For summer semester there is evaluated„Thematic reportage /Photo -story“.

List of Assignments - 1st year

Theme: 1/ „ Unique event“

Motto: „Something what shall not happen again?“

The unique event could be anything from a real event that takes place „indoors“ or „outdoors“ /social, cultural, sports, private event/ to whatever is considered by you as unique, simply worth of recording . The quality which matters is from what angle you approach the subject matter and what you want to emphasize. Not only the subject matter is important even more is your point of view.

The creative process is following:

1/ consulting the subject with your teacher;

2/ submitting the contact sheets, later proof prints for editing;

3/ selection of 10 photos, enlarge them up to 18x24cm or 24x30cm;

4/ deadline - December -January 2013/14

Theme: 2/ „Reportage portrait“

To depict someone : a friend, your landlord, brief encounter in his / her environment. One photo should be a real close-up of the person. Any approach is welcome when your photos are introducing the subject with competence.

The creative process is following:

1/ consulting the subject with your teacher;

2/ submitting the contact sheets, later proof prints for editing;

3/ selection of 5 photos, enlarge them up to 18x24cm or 24x30cm;

4/deadline December-January 2013/14

Theme: 3/ „Thematic reportage“ /Photo-story

This is the main assignment for „reportage“ and „documentary “ seminar in the 1st year. Usually the first step is to sit down and write an outline of the possible project onto the paper. Most challenging job may seem to be looking for theme that is close to your heart, your inclinations because you work on it over a period of time. This work is mainly concerned with your ability to tell visually the story. By shooting from different distance /close-ups, medium distance + general views/ and perspective, you will create dynamic, fresh and personal visual account.

The creative process is following:

1/ consulting the subject with your teacher;

2/ writing an outline on A4;

3/ systematically consulting with your teacher;

4/ submitting the contact sheets and proof prints for editing;

5/ select and enlarge 15-30 photos, 30x40cm or 50x60cm;

6/ deadline - June 2015

Forma studia:

Na souborech pracují studenti buď analogově nebo digitálně, barevně či černobíle,po konzultaci s pedagogem podle charakteru tématu a vlastního zaměření.

Předpoklady a další požadavky:


Obsah kurzu:

V zimním semestru vytvoří studenti fotografickou reportáž na jasně definované téma, které si buď zvolí sami, může se týkat i aktivit školy, například reportáž z natáčení školního filmu nebo vzniku divadelního představení atd.nebo jim bude přiděleno. Po konzultaci s pedagogem a napsání krátké explikace maximálně jedna strana A4 vlastní reportáž realizují. Hodnotí se jak sdělnost , tak i nápaditost a autorský přístup k danému tématu odevzdává se 6-10 fotografii formátu minimálně 18x24 cm

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Viktor Kolář: „Seminar in documentary Photography“, AMU-FAMU 2000.

The other books necessary for you will get know during our seminars.

Michel Frizot, New history of photography,

Na internetu : Magnum Photos, Agency VII

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

Hodnotí se jak sdělnost , tak i nápaditost a autorský přístup k danému tématu odevzdává se 6-10 fotografii formátu minimálně 18x24 cm

Webová stránka předmětu:


Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2016/2017:
místnost 112
Učebna KF 112

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)

Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky
St 11:30–13:05 Karel CUDLÍN Učebna KF 112
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2016/2017:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
Platnost dat k 3. 7. 2017