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Music in Theatre Performance - Course 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
201HVI1 Z 1 kurz Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Jan BURIAN, Vladimír FRANZ
Name of lecturer(s):
Jan BURIAN, Vladimír FRANZ
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Introduces students to the problems of creating and realizing the musical component of an artwork and teaches them to work independently in dramaturgy and directing when handling a specific production.

Mode of study:

Lectures, consultations, Listening exercises.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Successful passing of the exam in „The Development and Aesthetics of Music-Drama Thought“.

Course contents:

Curriculum and syllabus:

Instruction takes place in the form of individual consultations of students who have the task of creating the dramaturgy, directing and realizing the musical component for specific artistic tasks:

For directors and literary advisors:

1) identifying the principles and functions of music in a production;

2) choosing the most appropriate means;

3) building a musical arch as simultaneous dramaturgy;

4) realization:

a/ work with instrumentalists,

b/ work in the studio,

c/ distribution of music in the production,

d/ technical problems of music in a production.

For composers:

1) finding and laying out the key dramatic points in a composition;

2) methods of their contextualization;

3) manipulating their meanings.

For filmmakers

1) finding the delicate balance between the optical character of music and film;

2) finding the dynamics, flow and level of diverting attention in relation to music and sound;

3) methods of sound for the entire depicted space and movement of an audio picture.

Recommended or required reading:

G. Černušák: Dějiny evropské hudby

J. Smolka: Skladatelé českého baroka a klasicismu

V. Štěpánek: Francouzská moderní hudba

Branberger: Opera

Očadlík, Hostomská: Opera

J. Trojan: Dějiny opery

J. Smolka Česká kantáta a oratoritum

Očadlík: Svět orchestu I.-II.

M. Schnierer: Svět orchestu dvatátého století I.-III.

J. Havlík: Česká symfonie po r. 1945

R. Craft: Rozhovory s I.Stravinskym

A. Honneger: Zaříkání zkamanělin, Jsem skladatel

E. Hanslick: O hudebním krásnu, Kritiky.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Class participation. Completion of the director's log music plan.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2016/2017:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2016/2017:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2017-07-03