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Theatre and society 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207DSV1 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1. To acquaint students with modern history of political theatre and drama and primarily with the current forms of political theatre in Germany.

2. Acquaintance with secondary bibliography and material for these issues in Czech.

3. To review the social-criticism creations of individual groups and artists, to define the strategy of contemporary political theatre exposed to the public, to monitor the selection of topics, collection of material, searching for „everyday experts“ (Riminy, She She Pop, C. Bechtel and Buergerbuehne).

4. To characterize the poetics of post-dramatic directors (Volksbuehne-Castorf, Pollesch) and realistic political theatre (Schaubuehne-Ostermeier, Richter, Theatre Gorki), their manner of work with writings, with actors, theatre elements.

5. To learn how to discuss those issues

6. To be acquainted with realistic and post-dramatic writings and forms, how to deal with issues and the crisis of modern society (F. Richter, M. v. Mayenburg, D. Loher, E. Jelinek)

7. To acquire one's own viewer experience with the presentation of modern social-criticism theatre in Berlin (Volksbuehne, Schaubuehne, Maxim Gorki Theatre, e.v. Rimini Protocol).

8. Acquaintance with foreign research in Post-dramatic theatre history and theory (guest instruction by Professor Meister from the Institute for Theatre, Film and Media Research.

Mode of study:

Readings, Study of Post-dramatic theatre theory writings, moderated discussion, discussion, participation in Austrian Theatre studies lecture and classes (interpreted into Czech)

The classs will, in the Summer semester 2016/2017, take place on Thursdays from 12:30-14:00 in room S412.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Course contents:

The course will cover in one semester the contemporary forms of German political, social-criticism and documentary theatre:


1. Post-modern theatre theory and writings (H.-T. Lehman, E. Fischer-Lichte, G. Poschmann.

2. Directing poetics and stagings of the long-standing head of the Berlin Volksbuehne, Frank Castorf.

3. Writings and Post-drama political theatre of Rene Pollesche, writer and director of the Volksbuehne (see Prater Berlin). Pollesch's work on the stage, in media, film, literature and citations.

4. Return of drama forms, narratives, dialogs, heroes and with this the realistic depiction of current issues of contemporary Western society: The Berlin Schaubuehne under the direction of Thomas Ostermeier.

5. Drama-dance projects of the Schaubuehne collaborators, playwright and director, Falke Richter on that stage and at Maxim Gorki Theatre, theatre which has, in recent years markedly oriented itself on minority issues in Western society.

6. Current social-criticism post-dramatic writings for theatre: Elfriede Jelinek has been writing since 1988 (Clouds, Home) formal post-drama writings and Zeitstucke (time pieces), those are current social-criticism plays inspired by social and political scandals, violence and xenophobia (see Proteges,2013 reacting to the current refugee crisis).

7. A new type of political documentary theatre: projects with so called everyday experts; original answers of real people who bring their own life experience and narrative to the stage (Rimini Protocol, She She Pop).

Buergerbuehnen - amateur bourgeois stages, ex: Buergerbuehne in the Staatsschauspiel Dresden (Clemens Bechtel: My File and I).

8. Part of the course is a group excursion to two performances in Berlin, where we will visit the Volksbuehne and the Schaubuehne or Maxim Gorki Theatre.

9. During the course there will be two lectures and one class block by the eminent Austrian theatrologist, Prof. Monika Meister „The Post-drama Theatre History and Theory“ (25-26. 10.) connected with the viewing of examples from performances and with discussion (interpreted into Czech).

Recommended or required reading:


Celárková, Michaela: Poetika vybraných her Rolanda Schimmelpfenniga uvedených na českých scénách v kontextu současného německojazyčného divadla, DP, KDV FF UK v Praze, 2013.

Fischer-Lichte, E.: Estetika performativity

Grusková, A: Německá dráma

Chvátalová, Martina: Politické divadlo Falka Richtera v postdramatickém kontextu. DP, KDV FF UK v Praze, 2014.

Lehmann, H.-T.: Postdramatické divadlo, Bratislava, Divadelný ústav 2007.

Pavlíčková, Aneta: Režijní tvorba Franka Castorfa: Politično v současných Castorfových inscenacích v divadle Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. BP, KDV FF UK v Praze, 2013.

Schnelle, B.: Elfride Jelinek a její divadlo proti divadlu, Brno, Větrné mlýny 2006.

Weiss, P.: Poznámky k dokumentárnímu divadlu


Jelinek, E.: Bambiland/Babylon, Brkola, Praha 2014 (překlad Z. Augustová, B. Schnelle).

Jelinek, E.: Sbohem, Brkola, Praha 2008 (překlad B. Schnelle a Z. Augustová).

Jelinek, E.: Berla, hůl a tyčka, rukopis (překlad J. Jílková).

Jelinek, E.: Tři divadelní hry (Obchodníkovy smlouvy, Rechnitz (Anděl zkázy), O zvířatech, Brkola, Praha 2014 (překlad B. Schnelle, J. Jílková)

Loher, D.: Poslední oheň

Loher, D.: Tetování. Modrovous - Naděje žen. Adam Geist. Klářiny vztahy. Třetí sektor (pět divadelních her), Brno, Větrné mlýny 2004.

Loher, D.: Zloději

Müller, H.: Pověření. Tři hry (Kvartet, Pověření, Hamlet-stroj), Prostor, Praha 1998 (překlad K. R. Jilská).

Richter, F.: Bůh je DJ, Electronic city, Pochucha (3 hry), Praha, Transteatral 2007.

Mayenburg, M.von. Tvář v ohni, Ošklivec, Mučedník,

Schimmelpfennig, R.: Arabská noc, Push up 1-3, Zlatý drak

Assessment methods and criteria:

On-going course writing for classes, Completion of a short report and participation in discussions on them and other topics in class, course paper.

Course web page:

If less than 3 students register for the course, it may be cancelled.

Further information:
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2016/2017:
místnost S412

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 12:30–14:00 Zuzana AUGUSTOVÁ Učebna
Karlova 26, Praha 1
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2016/2017:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2017-07-03