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Translating Seminar 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207PKS1 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The goal of the seminar is to create a complete translation of a chosen work. While translating, students are led to work with various kinds of dictionaries and manuals and are shown the most common translation mistakes and deficiencies.

Mode of study:

Comparison of existing translations, group translating, comparison and assessment of one's own translation.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Minimal requirement is a pre-college knowledge of a foreign language (English, German, French, Russian).

Course contents:

This course introduces students to drama text translation issues as an autonomous creative activity; on one side there is an effort to enhance their language creativey and feeling for the needs of a stage presented text and on the other a guiding to a respect for the basis material and investigation of a sufficient style level in relation to the original.

Theory aspects:

1. Translation theory and practice.

2. Czech as the target language in relation to the original.

3. The particulars of theatre translations.

4. Word negotiation and language stylization.

5. Problematic translations and translating various poetry systems.

Practical section:

1. Comparison of existing Czech translations of one original base material (prose, rhythm prose, poetry).

2. Work on one's translation.

Recommended or required reading:

This course works with various Czech translations of basis material which are comparable and with theatre play originals (in English or French)

These texts have been selected according to the language skills of the students.


Jiří Levý, Umění překladu, (1963), Ivo Železný, Praha, 1998.

Jiří Levý, České teorie překladu, (1957), Ivo Železný, Praha, 1996,

I. Vývoj překladatelských teorií a metod v české literatuře,

II. Sborník zásadních studií o překladu.

Olga Krijtová, Pozvání k překladatelské praxi (Kapitoly o překládání beletrie), FF-UK, Praha, 1996.

Zlata Kufnerová, Milena Poláčková (ed.) a kol., Překládání a čeština, H+H, Jinočany, 1994.

Georges Mounin, Teoretické problémy překladu, Karolinum - nakladatelství UK, Praha, 1992.

Jan Vilikovský, Překlad jako tvorba, Ivo Železný, Praha, 2002.

Blahoslav Hečko, Dobrodružství překladu, Ivo Železný, Praha, 2000.

Milan Hrdlička, Literární překlad a komunikace, Nakladatelství ISV, Praha, 2003.

Milan Hrala (editor), Kapitoly z dějin českého překladu, Nakladatelství Karolinum, Praha, 2002.

Assessment methods and criteria:

- Class attendance (2 absences tolerated per semester);

- on-going translation preparations of assigned texts;

- partial class work: written comparison of two (or more) translations of the same foreign language basis;

- final semester paper: a translation of an compact excerpt from a selected text.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2016/2017:
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Schedule for summer semester 2016/2017:
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The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2017-07-03