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Lenka Lindaurová workshop: Portfolio and presentation

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307DLL ZK 5 13/S English, Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ
Name of lecturer(s):
Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Students learn the systematic creation of their portfolio which is presented at various levels. The student understands particular formal rules for creating the portfolio and learns how to work with it over time. Students also learn basic presentation of their work - orally and in writing. They understand the arts operation systems - they are schooled in the function of private and public institutions and potential in addressing them. As well, students learn how to accept failure and how to maintain their self-confidence in arts operations.

Studenti se naučí systémově vytvářet své portfolio, kterým se prezentují na různých úrovních. Pochopí určitá formální pravidla tvorby portfolia a dozvědí se, jak s ním pracovat v průběhu času. Naučí se také základy prezentace své tvorby – slovní i písemné. Porozumí systému uměleckého provozu – jsou poučeni o fungování privátních i veřejných institucích a možnostech, jak je oslovit. Zároveň se také naučí, jak přijímat neúspěch a jak si udržet sebevědomí v uměleckém provozu.

Mode of study:


Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Course contents:

Students create an electronic portfolio of their work, and if needed, create two or more collections - commercial and artistic, short and long versions. Each portfolio is to be prepared for viewing on a computer and a projection screen.

Each portfolio is presented to the public. Students learn how to respond to questions and briefly formulate the fundamentals of their work.

Part of instruction is the fundamentals of PR communication - with the media and institutions through practical exercises with recording and feedback in written form, written in various forms.

We compare self-presentation on social networks and demonstrate their potential and drawbacks.

The workshop provides students with practical examples - visits to photography specialized galleries and conversations with curators.

The result of the workshop is a developed portfolio set for further expansion, written and oral presentation.

Recommended or required reading:

Nicolas Bourriaud, Postpodukce

Austin Kleon, Show your work

Julia Cameron, Artist´s Way

Assessment methods and criteria:

Student is to be able to present their professionally prepared portfolio and know how to formulate thought about their work and what their professional goals are. The student is to be able to respond to media issues and briefly present themselves orally and in written form.

Course web page:

Lenka Lindaurová is a fine arts critic and curator. Along with managing the arts magazine Umělec and Art&antiques, she has, for the past 5 years been the director of the Jindřicha Chalupecky Assocication for the artistic evaluation of young artists. She has shot two documentaries about contemporary art; she has been published in verious forms of media and is the author of the book Mezera, mladé umění v Česku 1990-2014.

Termíny dílen, letní semestr 2016/2017

Terms of workshops, spring term 2016/2017

Čtvrtek // Thursday 23. 2. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Čtvrtek // Thursday 9. 3. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Čtvrtek // Thursday 23. 3. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Čtvrtek // Thursday 6. 4. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Čtvrtek// Thursday 20. 4. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Čtvrtek // Thursday 4. 5. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Čtvrtek// Thursday 18. 5. 2017, 15:40 - 17:15, Lažanský palác,

Schedule for winter semester 2016/2017:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2016/2017:
místnost 112
Učebna KF 112

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 15:40–17:15 Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ Učebna KF 112
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2017-07-03