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Cinematography (8204T048)

magisterský obor

Požadavky na přijetí:

A successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree at a college with a similar or related focus, possibly accompanied with the applicant’s practical experience with filmmaking.


Knowledge in maths: general secondary school level; particularly simple equations, goniometric functions, common logarithm.

Knowledge in physics: general secondary school level; particularly electromagnetic radiation, optics International cinematography and the cameraman’s job

General knowledge in the field of art

Požadavky na uznání předchozího vzdělání:

The programme does not have any specific requirements for the recognition of prior learning.

The procedure for recognition at AMU is governed by Articles 89 and 90 of the Act on Higher Education Institutions No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, and by the AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations.

Kvalifikační požadavky a předpisy:

Knowledge in maths: general secondary school level; particularly simple equations, goniometric functions, common logarithm.

Knowledge in physics: general secondary school level; particularly electromagnetic radiation, optics International cinematography and the cameraman’s job

General knowledge in the field of art Own camera with interchangeable lenses

Applicants must demonstrate a knowledge of English on a B2 level on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEF). The Europass language certificate can be completed here:


Profil oboru:

The Cinematography Master’s degree program at FAMU's Cinematography Department is designed to run for two years*. Our students will spend two full years mastering the art of narrative cinematography, immersing themselves in the craft of studio lighting, colour conceptions and photographic design.

We expect applicants to have experience in cinematography, usually with a Bachelor’s degree in film. Students should have their own light meters, spot meters and colour meters for serious advanced exponometric and colorimetric exercises. The program language is English; the program is a full-time paid course.

Hlavní výsledky učení:

The graduate of the Master´s programme in FAMU´s Camerawork Department is prepared for the profession of cameraman at a high level of technique, expertise and artistic expression, and is capable of shooting documentary as well as dramatic film and television genres. He/she becomes a leading film or television cameraman. He/she has mastered stylisation and visual tools at a high level, and independently and creatively transforms inspirational influences the cinematographic picture versus the artistic work, the performance of camerawork versus the service of a drama. He/she has mastered the technologies of photochemical, electronic and digital cinematography at a high level, and is capable of reacting flexibly to current technological developments.

He/she takes responsibility for the socio-ethical impact of the work, which he/she co-creates with a view to the basic function of camerawork, which is a service to elaborated material. He/she is capable of accommodating the director´s personality and ideas, and of contributing to the realisation of the work with the help of current artistic and technological skills. He/she is capable of creative absorption and consensual communication with the other members of the production crew´s organisational and artistic components.

Profesní profil absolventů s příklady:

Profile of Cinematography MA Program Graduates

The graduates of the two-year MA program at the FAMU Cinematography Department is a professionally and intellectually mature cameraman for fiction and non-fiction films, as well as for projects exploiting special technology and advertising spots. Their professional expertise forms an inseparable part of the individual approach to specific projects, including the ability to find and create adequate methods of production and work. That makes them reliable partners for the producers, costume designers, scenographers, but first and foremost, for the directors. The cameramen are capable of precisely distinguishing the rights and obligations in all of the camera team and move and lighting equipment team.

Theme analysis and the following inspiration of individually classified models enables the cameraman to create an image concept which fundamentally supports the literary dramaturgy of the script theme, with options of alternative designs of imagery concepts. The cameraman has mastered all of the components available to expressive imagery, not only during the filming but also during film project preparation and finish. The demands of the specialised study program along with the graduate’s moral and communicative properties are directly linked to the encouragement to human development of the cameraman’s individuality, making the cameraman a significant member of the creative team for both Czech and international film productions with no limit on the depth and demands of the film piece.

Přístup k dalšímu vzdělávání:

The doctoral programme at Unversity which provides this type of studies.

Organizace a pravidla zkoušek, hodnocení a hodnocení (známkování):

Studies are assessed by credits and examinations stipulated by study plans. The student is informed of these through the information system.

The student registers for examinations using the information system, and is entitled to a second and third attempt to pass an examination. If neither of these attempts proves successful, the Dean may in exceptional cases permit a fourth attempt (administered by a commission). It is not permitted to repeat an examination for the main subjects or to repeat written examinations.

The credit is an ungraded form of assessment of studies. It is allocated upon fulfilment of requirements stipulated for individual subjects and is recorded in the information system with the word Credited (Z). An examination is a graded form of assessment of studies, which tests knowledge and level of creativity in the relevant subject. In the main subjects, examinations are administered by a commission. An examination may be practical, written, oral, or involve a combination of these methods. Examinations are graded on the scale A, B, C, D, E, F

Požadavky pro úspěšné absolvování:

The student fulfils the requirements set by the study plan.

The student passes the final state examination:

Cinematographic Portfolio

Theory of Cinematographic Creative Design

TV Technique and Technology

Forma studia:
Garant oboru:
Jaroslav BRABEC
Obor je součástí studijního programu:
Studijní plány oboru:
Platnost dat k 18. 6. 2018