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Film Analysis 4

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
304EFA4X Z 1 2/T anglicky letní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

Teoreticky i prakticky seznámit studenty s metodami analýzy kinematografických děl se zaměřením na jejich obrazovou složku z pohledu estetického i technologického na příkladech významných filmů různé doby vzniku, reprezentujících rozličné autorské formy, styly a postupy.

Forma studia:


Předpoklady a další požadavky:

Student's short introduction to film screenings presenting original works and styles of individual cameramen.

Obsah kurzu:

Introduction of theory and practice methods of cinematic work analysis focusing on its image component from aesthetic and technology perspectives on examples of significant films from various periods representing various orginal forms, styles and processes.

Film screenings of Blu-ray digitally restored films from 35mm film copies supplemented by film analyses, comparison samples, quotes from artist interviews and period critiques. Supplementary image material will be discussed with the students during individual classes. Part of the classes will also be a presentation of the films' cameramen and image artist profiles.

Course Schedule (Film Screenings and Analysis):

1. 8.2. Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto

2. 15.2. Firemen Ball

3. 29.2. Accattone!

4. 4.3.(22.2.) Senso

5. 7.3. Wild Strawberries

7. 21.3. Až přijde kocour

8. 1.4.(28.3.) The Thief of Bagdad

9. 9.5.(4.4.) Marquise d'O

10. 13.5.(11.4.) Ran I.

11. 13.5.(11.4.) Ran II.

12. 16.5.(18.4.) Miasto 44

13. 16.5.(25.4.) Powstanie Warszawskie

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Roger Seards. Making Pictures: A Century of European Cinematography. London: Aurum Press - IMAGO, 2003.

Bordwell, David ?Thompson, Kristin. Art of Film: An Introduction to the study of form and style. New York: McGraw-Hill 2013. 10th edition.

Aumont Jacques - Michele Marie. Analisis del film / Analysis of Film. Nathan. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidos Iberica 1990.

Ryan, Michael, and Melissa Lenos. An Introduction to Film Analysis: Technique and Meaning in Narrative Film. London: Continuum, 2012.

Livingstone, Margaret. Vision and Art. Biology of Seeing. New York: Abrams 2002.

Richard Misek, Chromatic Cinema. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2010.

Cherchi Usai Paolo Silent Cinema. An Introduction. London: British Film Institute 2000.

Torkell Sa?tervadet. Advanced Projection Manual. Oslo: FIAF ? Norwegian Film Institute 2005.

Journals and magazines: Film History, Sight and Sound etc.

Special articles focused on films analyzed that will be shared with students in Dropbox folder.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

A requirement for successful completion of the course is regular attendance at screenings and classes. At the close, the student submits an essay of a projected film of the student's choice based on his previous writing genre/form/approach selection (e.g. iconic analysis of movements and framing, shot by shot analysis of the one sequence/scene, subjective impression of color symbolism in different films on the same subject, essay on novel and film storytelling atc.), supplemented with complete filmographic & director as well as cinematoghrapher biographic data and used learning resources in at least 4 standard pages. Student will deliver his/her written film analysis until the June 30th of the year, to email address: miloslav.novak@famu.cz in .rtf/.doc file.

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