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Final Thesis 1

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
304EFIT1 Z 1 10/S anglicky zimní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

Seminar Objectives/Description:

This seminar is meant to help the students understand all requirements toward completion of the Master degree thesis, and to know how to structure the work's content. At each session, students will be asked to pitch possible topics for theses, to brainstorm on topics and discuss possible development of these topics together.  In addition, classes will focus on particular aspects of thesis development. Regular assignments are made to keep students exploring their topic and a detailed outline of the thesis is expected by the end of the course.

Forma studia:

discussion, lecture, in-class research

Předpoklady a další požadavky:

Experience with writing academic papers; excellent knowledge of academic English

Obsah kurzu:

Course Outline:

Session One :  Academic Requirements (Rector Decree No.4/2006). Instructions for the Writing and uniform formatting of University Thesis at AMU. Students are shown previous completed theses as examples of different approaches and topics. / Discussion on development of topics.

Assignment: To read one previous written Masters Thesis from CINKK department

Session Two :  Thesis Formats (examples of common types of theses, such as monographs, comparative analysis, case studies of a particular cinematic subject, exploration of a technology, problem/solution format...) Students are shown previous completed theses as examples of different approaches. / Discussion on development of topics.

Assignment: To read one previous written thesis from CDM department

Session Three : Researching - how to use the data bases available for FAMU students (trip to library, awareness of library resources) Plagiarism defined and discussed. / Discussion on development of topics.

Assignment: Students must explore materials in FAMU’s library and come to next class with list of books or journals interesting for their possible thesis topics.

Session Four : Research methods continued. Webinar on using database (with Klara Loukotova from Proquest)

Assignment: To decide on thesis topic and speak with two of their professors about it. Bring report to next class on feedback received from professors. THESIS TOPIC MUST BE DECIDED BY THIS DATE. TOPIC WILL BE PUT BEFORE DEPARTMENT MEETING FOR APPROVAL.

Session Five : Outlining exercises (how organizational patterns get turned into outlines, standard outline format, scrambled outlines exercises in class)

Assignment: To prepare preliminary outline of chosen topic

Session Six : Developing a bibliography. How to write academic notations in correct formation. Stylistic and practical concerns regarding the completion of the thesis

Assignment: To bring in a list of sources for their thesis (minimum of five) in correct bibliographic format.

Session Seven: : Discussion on development of topics. Timeline for completion of thesis (Important dates, Defense procedure and expectations)

Final assignment: To find possible advisor for your project by approaching different professors in camera department

Session Eight: Thesis development, progress discussed

Final assignment: To prepare detailed outline of thesis, with bibliography and noting preliminary title and thesis advisor.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Previous successfully defended theses written by students from the department

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

Active attendance and the completion of all assignments on time.  Credit is given when detailed outline is submitted at end of semester.

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