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Film theory 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
306FT2 ZK 2 26/S anglicky zimní
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Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

The course aim is to introduce students to the changes in editing from the beginnings of cinema to the advent of sound.

Forma studia:

Discussions, analyses of media recording samples, Analyses of texts.

Předpoklady a další požadavky:

Awareness of the significance of editing theory knowledge for one's own creating.

Obsah kurzu:

The course applies structural and semiotic theories to analyses of a specific film work or part of a work. It introduces students to the connotations and methods of using the concepts of language, speech, code, sign, meaning, the signifier, the signified, text, metatext, narrative, message. It deals with the categories of signs and the typology of signs (icons, symbols, etc.).


1.Film language, film speech, elements and dimensions of film language. Sign, symbol, emblematic depiction, symbolic depiction.

2.Nature and structure of film narrative. Creation of meaning in film. Meaning and representation.

3.Movement, time, space. Organization of space as a narrative element.

4.Image – autonomous space. Organization of signs in a space delineated by image. Double reality of image.

5.Why watch the image. The viewer creates the image, the image creates the viewer. Similarities between image and viewer.

6.Illusion and representation. Mental distance and identification. Image – source of affection.

7.Specific and abstract space. Composition and the point of view.

8.Analogy and reference. Plastic and iconic. Photogeny, photography, film.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Guy Gauthier, 21 lecons sur l´ image et le sens.

L'analyse des films

de Jacques Aumont (Auteur), Michel Marie

Broché: 233 pages

Editeur : Armand Colin; Édition : 2e (24 novembre 2004)

Collection : Armand Colin cinéma

Langue : Français

ISBN-10: 2200341075

ISBN-13: 978-2200341077


de Jacques Aumont

Broché: 304 pages

Editeur : Armand Colin; Édition : 3e édition (20 avril 2011)

Collection : Cinéma / Arts Visuels

Langue : Français

ISBN-10: 2200355947

ISBN-13: 978-2200355944

Martine Joly, Introduction à l'analyse de l'image, Paris, Nathan, 1998

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

Activity in lectures

Completion of on-going tests

Completion of the final exam.

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