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Photography of Landscape 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EPLA2 ZK 2 anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

The aim of this course is to acquire experience in landscape photography. In contrast to the Winter semester, when the work was rather individual, we will now complete instruction in a several-day excursion to a particular countryside location. Students, in theory classes, will prior be acquainted with the selected location, its history and geological characteristics. In a study of artists who have covered this location, students gain a theory basis for their subsequent work. The practical assembly will take place during early Spring. The location will be select by the end of February.

Forma studia:

Students will be acquainted with possible treatments and preparations for a photographic development of an assigned location in intensive theory preparations and the implementation itself at the assembly. We will cover not only theory preparations but, alsok, technological procedures of more complicated situation. This covers the use of polarization filters, center-filters and various split-filters. There will be the possibility of using a robotic head for managing a panoramic shot and the like. Potential for individual completion of the project is welcomed.

Předpoklady a další požadavky:

in progress

Obsah kurzu:

1. location selection based on a brief presentation

2. Acqaintance with the selected location through photos, film, writings and maps. Selected topical definition of perspective, or specification of interest of individual students for processing the given location

3. excursion to the location at the end of April/beginning of May for a 5 day assembly. The exact assembly schedule will be sent in a timely manner.

4. possible other independent excursions to the location, on-going consultations

5. evaluation of shots and creation of the presentation collection

To be submitted:

An integrated collection of at least 8 photos which characterize the given location in the view of individual students which has been previously approved in point 2. Negative format in B/W photos in at least medium format or larger. Color photos, color negatives or with agreement by digital camera.

The result is 8 B/W photos 30x40cm on a barite underlay, or 8 color A3 format prints.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:


Lutterer, Ivan: Panoramatické fotografie, Studio JB, Lomnice nad Popelkou 2004 

Prokůpek, Bohumír: Národní park Podyjí, Asco, Praha 2012 

Ptáček, Josef: Země krásná, Knižní klub, 2009 

Reich, Jan: Bohemia, Galerie Nový Svět, Praha 2005 

Reich, Jan: Dům v krajině, Galerie Nový Svět, Praha 2007 

Spurný, Miloš: Moravské krajiny Miloše Spurného, Nadace Veronica a Ulita, Brno 1994 

Spurný, Miloš: Sbohem, staré řeky, FOTEP, Brno 2007 

Sudek, Josef: O sobě, Torst, Praha 2001 

Sudek, Josef: Smutná krajina, Galerie výtvarného umění v Litoměřicích, 1999 

Aumont, Jacques: Obraz, Akademie múzických umění, Praha 2005 

kolektiv autorů Neregulováno: Prales ve fotografii, Moravská galerie v Brně, Brno 2008

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:


Exam: evaluation of the submitted tasks in which the maintenance of the assignment, quality of processing and personal creative interpretation is evaluated. 

Participation: a condition for evaluating the student is a required 80% participation at lectures, participation at on-location assemblies and submission of photos at required group consultations established at the beginning of course instruction.

Webová stránka předmětu:

in progress

Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2017/2018:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2017/2018:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů:
Platnost dat k 18. 6. 2018