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Photography of Architecture 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EPOA2 ZK 2 anglicky letní
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

Generally the course focuses on work in the field with the use of natural light and manners of considering photography as a medium giving an voice to a location or architecture. The course is focused on photographing architecture based on an understanding of the importance of urbanism and architecture as a reflection of society. Students are guided to acquiring information on the given building, it's purpose and function which is to serve one's photographic interpretation corresponding in the quality of the selected architecture. In the practical, attention is devoted to working with large-format equipment, appropriate use of light, potential use of classical or digital technology. Part of the course is an in the field assemblies taking place as a module in selected areas.

Forma studia:

in progress

Předpoklady a další požadavky:


Obsah kurzu:

During the Summer semester the will be several lecture and exterior modules in which students will be acquainted with the historical development of architecture with examples around Prague. A discussion and situational analysis will take place for particular buildings and possible treatments described. Part of this module will be practical treatment examplesl

Exercise practical:

Based on acquired information and knowledge, students select a historic or modern object which they would like to document photographically. There are these possible approaches:

A/ a photographic study of the architecture of the object's particular style and its description from an overall view up to the interior, or detail shots. In this variation the selected object and use of the treatments technique is graded.

Bf/ a photographic study of the selected style which focuses more on characteristic elements of the style which are compared, or intensifies its overall tone. The collection does not need to create a description of one construction, but rather a selectof the a greater whole / ex: Cubist architecture in Prague /.  This variation will be graded, aside from the technical precision of optimal shots of the whole or detail but also its links for the concise presentation.

The exercise may, according to priorly agreed procedures, be photographed in a medium format with a graduated shift lens / or also with Sinar/, or digital camera with a shift lens. Basically, a B/W shot is to be processed on classic material and results in classical enlargements. For colored shots execution, it is possible to select color negative material which is then scanned and printed or use a digital camera and printing.

8-10 photos or prints are submitted, which may be processed as a catalog. If the catalog is smaller than A4, then 3 sample enlargements  or 30x40cm prints are included.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:

Literatura (výběr):

Dragoun, Zdeněk: Praha 885-1310. Kapitoly o románské a ranně gotické architektuře, Libri, Praha

Kalina, P.: Praha 1310-1419. Kapitoly o vrcholné gotice, Libri

Kuča, Karel: Města a městečka v Čechách na Moravě a ve Slezsku, díl I-VI., Libri, Praha 1996-2004

Kuča, Karel: Atlas památek, Česká republika, díl I a II., Baset, Praha 2002

Kuthan Jiří: Benediktinské kláštery střední Evropy, Univerzita Karlova, Praha 2014

Lukeš, Zdeněk, Svoboda, J. E.(foto E. Havlová): Praha 1891-1918. Kapitoly o architektuře velkoměsta, Libri

Plicka, Karel: Praha ve fotografii, Orbis, Praha 1952

Stará Praha, Nakladatelství J. Otto, Praha 1940

Státníková, P., Polák, O.: Starou Prahou Václava Jansy, Studio JB, 2008

Státníková, P., Polák, O.: Starou Prahou Jana Minaříka, Studio JB, 2009

Sudek, Josef: Praha panoramatická, Odeon, Praha 1992

Svoboda, J. E., Noll, J (foto E. Havlová): Praha 1919-1940. Kapitoly o meziválečné architektuře, Libri

Švácha, Rostislav (foto J. Malý): Od moderny k funkcionalismu, Odeon, Praha 1985

Švácha, Rostislav (foto. J. Malý): Le Corbusier, Odeon, Praha 1989

Švácha, Rostislav: Česká architektura a její přísnost, Academia, Praha 2005

Uher, Vladimír: Dialog tvarů, Odeon

Uher, Vladimír: Stavitelé paláců a chrámů, Vyšehrad, Praha 1986

Vlček, Pavel: Praha 1610-1700. Kapitoly o architektuře raného baroka, Libri

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:


Exam: evaluation of all submitted assignments in which the adherence to the assignment, development, individual artistry are judged. 

Attendance: a requirement for grading is a required 80% attendance at lectures, participation in assemblies in the field, and submission of photographs at required group consultations established at the beginning of instruction.

Webová stránka předmětu:

in progress

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Platnost dat k 18. 6. 2018