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Film Production - Case Studies

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
311MPCS Z 2 12/S anglicky
Garant předmětu:
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících):
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky:

An intense introduction to the large scale film production.

Forma studia:

One-day-long seminar (module).

Předpoklady a další požadavky:


Obsah kurzu:

During the module several outstanding producers will present each one project from the very beginning, to the end.

Pavel Strnad (these days winning European Academy Award for Alois Nebel feature-lenght animation film), in past 10 years chairman of Czech Film Producer's association, co-founder of most successful local art house film production Negativ film production (negativ.cz)

Tomáš Hrubý, co-founded the production company nutprodukce in 2009 and has worked regularly with HBO on the documentaries FORTESS and THE GREAT NIGHT as well as Agnieszka Holland's BURNING BUSH, which won more than 11 national film awards, Czech Lions. Tomáš co-produced the animated short PANDAS which won a prize at Cannes' Cinéfondation 2013. He is developing Martin Krejčís new project SILENTLY WAITING about the life of the jazz singer Eva Olmerová and Agnieszka Holland's GAME COUNT as co-producer.

Jana Cisar is an independent film producer. Born in Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad) in Czechoslovakia in 1963, she has been living in Germany since 1969.

Having studied Graphic Design, she started working in theatre as a production manager, eventually collaborating with people such as Robert Wilson, David Byrne, Arie Singer and Anatoli Vassilev. In 1989 she founded the Salzburger FilmSzene film festival and worked for dctp founded by Alexander Kluge on TV programmes about Richard Leacock, David Byrne, the Quay Brothers, Les Blank and Thomas Brasch.

In 1991 Jana Cisar moved to Prague to work for the International Filmfestival Karlovy Vary. Since 1996 she lives and works in Berlin She is a graduate of the European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs producers? network (EAVE). She worked with directors like e.g. Mo Asumang, Ayelet Bargur, Gina Belafonte, Volker Koepp, Viktor Kossakovsky, Ben Lewis, Stephan Settele, Hanna Slak, Viola Stephan and Peter Zach.

Each producer will have around one hour presentation connected with one project and then debate with students. This module offeres deeper outline of nowadays practice in European professional cinema.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura:


Hodnoticí metody a kritéria:

2 credits for 100% attendance

Webová stránka předmětu:

Friday, Oct 9 (Room 1)

9:30 - Jana Cisar

11:15 - Pavel Strnad

13:30 - Tomáš Hrubý

Další informace:
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Platnost dat k 18. 6. 2018