Česká verzeČeská verze

Sound Production (8201R092)

bachelor's programme qualification

Specific admission requirements:

Successful completion of two-round aptitude test consisting of a theoretical and practical assessment of the candidate´s talent prerequisites, i.e. aural differentiability and memory, imagination with respect to sound and the ability to analyse sound information in quantitative and qualitative respects, basic orientation in acoustics, electronics and sound technology, knowledge of musical styles, genres and musical instruments with respect to their sound, and general cultural knowledge.

Upon successful completion of the first part of the examination, candidates will undergo a test in music theory and an audiometric examination. Also during the closing interview, they will be tested on their ability to play a musical instrument.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:

The programme does not have any specific requirements for the recognition of prior learning.

The procedure for recognition at AMU is governed by Articles 89 and 90 of the Act on Higher Education Institutions No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, and by the AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations (Articles 8, 14, 18).

Qualification requirements and regulations

Required qualifications: A completed secondary or a completed secondary vocational education; exceptionally, it is also possible to admit candidates without a completed secondary, a completed secondary vocational or higher vocational education at a conservatory.

Regulations: The Czech education system is governed by the Act on Higher Education Institutions, as amended (Act No. 111/1998 Coll.), and by the internal regulations of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

Field of study characterization

The Bachelor?s programme is conceived as an artistic programme for graduates of secondary schools (conservatories, academic high schools, industrial schools, etc.) who have aural abilities as well as technical and musical knowledge and skills at the required level. The basic focus is on training students for individual and team creative work with sound in the area of autonomous sound production, in particular music recordings, realisations of electronic sound, sound post-production, sound dramaturgy of autonomous sound works and stage sound. In addition to the specialist, technical and acoustic-theoretical subjects, the instructional plan is oriented toward supplemental music-theoretical education, knowledge of the history of music and repertoire, aural analysis, recording analysis and orientation in note recordings.

Key learning outcomes:

During the course of the Bachelor?s programme, students acquire the fundamentals of independent creative work with sound with emphasis on the area of music from both theoretical and practical perspectives. They learn to manipulate modern sound technology and to deepen their knowledge and skills in music.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples:

A graduate of the Bachelor?s programme in Sound Production at HAMU is capable of performing independent creative work with sound. He or she must know how to connect mastery of the latest technical means and methods with an aesthetic quality and individual creativity, and how to connect the psychophysiology of aural perception with the current aesthetic norms of sound communication ? in particular in recordings of classical music and jazz, in realising electronic sound and in generally creative work with sound in the area of autonomous sound production. Graduates can apply their skills as sound-masters, in particular in small recording and music post-production studios, cultural organisations with a requirement of professional work with sound, or as stage sound-masters, pedagogues at primary arts schools (in the fields of Electronic Music Processing and Sound Production).

Access to further studies:

The continuing programme in the field of Sound Production at HAMU.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading:

Fulfilment of the study plan is verified with the help of an electronic system, into which are also entered the final assessments necessary for completing individual subjects. The study of a subject then culminates with the awarding of a credit or by sitting for an examination.

The credit as an ungraded form of assessment is awarded upon fulfilment of requirements stipulated for individual subjects with the word ?Credited? (Z). Examinations may be practical, oral, written or involve a combination of these methods, and are graded on the scale ?A, B, C, D, E, F?. The student is entitled to a second and third attempt to pass an examination. In exceptional cases, a fourth attempt may be requested and must be approved by the Dean of the faculty. A fourth attempt to pass an examination takes place before an examination committee. It is not permitted to repeat an examination for the main subjects, which are also by commission.

Graduation requirements:

The student fulfils the requirements set by the study plan.

The student passes the final state examination in the core subjects announced by the Dean:

- Theory of Sound Production

- The Acoustics of Musical Instruments and the Human Voice

Students realise a practical diploma task in the area of autonomous sound production in an extent per the Dean´s announcement, and elaborate a supplemental written work with a minimum length as defined by the Rector. Their defence is part of the state final examination.

Mode of study:
Qualification director or equivalent:
Field of study is part of study programme:
Qualification study plans
Generated on 2018-06-18