Česká verzeČeská verze


Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207ATE1 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Jaroslav ETLÍK
Name of lecturer(s):
Jaroslav ETLÍK
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1. Acquaint students with the concept of artifact, artistic artifact, aesthetic object, artistic work.

2. Introduce student to artifact issues in domestic and foreign contexts, primarily in relation to aesthetics, general artistry and subsequently theatre theory as well.

3. Acquaint students with applying the concept of artifact and aesthetic object in contemporary theatre - theory terminology, stage piece, theatre piece, theatre staging, theatre performance.

Mode of study:

Presentation of the concept of artifact, aesthetic object, artistic work, theatre staging, theatre performance; discussion, reading and analysis of theory writings regarding these issues.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No requirements

Course contents:

1. Original menaing of the concept of artifact in the 19th century. Establishment of of artifact in architecture theory. Artifact as special terminological innovation created in the 19th century only for use in architecture. Later used in fine arts, particularly sculpture.

2. Hostinsky's concept of artifact. Changes and innovations in the semantic scope of the original concept. Hostinsky's significant shift and the to that date, the unsual expansion of use of the concept to the entire idead of artistry. Beginning in 1890 Czech aesthetics sets an new understanding of artifact. It becomes a terminlogical equivalent for artistic pieces in a general meaning. Artifact is innovatively used in music, literature and the entire field of fine arts.

3. Zich's rediscovery of Hostinsky's concept of artifact as a general arts and aesthetics concept in studies. Artistic and aesthetic evaluations. Aesthetic thought preparations. Influence of both studies published by Zich in the magazine Czech Thought at the exact time of the birth of Czechoslovak structuralism.

4. Artifact as one of the fundamental concepts of Czech literary arts and aesthetic structuralism. Jan Mukařovský, Felix Vodička, Josef Vachek, Jiří Veltruský and others. Innovative links to artifacts with aesthetic objects, terms which structuralism took from Broder Christiansen's book „The Philosophy of Art“. The three phase hierarchical model of the existence of an artistic piece: opus, artifact, aesthetic object = work of art.

5. Attempt at a new concept of artifact in the study of lthe Marxist aesthetics and art of Jaroslav Volek. Artifact in the 1960s newly defined in coordination with Marxist - Leninist doctrine of reflection. Concepts which greatly differ from the structuralistic conept. Volek's polemics with structuralists. While structuralists and their followers understand artifact as a theatre staging, Volek proclaims a theatre performance an artifact. Attempts (mostly failed) at applying Volek's concept to theatre (Pavlovsky, Roubal).

6. Comparing both theory approaches in the Czech theatrological context. Advantages and disadvantages of both concepts primarily in relation to the creation of a theatre piece and its subsequent review.

Recommended or required reading:

Hostinský Otakar: O klasifikaci uměn

Volek Jaroslav: Příspěvek k analýze pojmu artefakt

Etlík Jaroslav: Termíny k dohodnutí

Prokop Dušan: Úvod do obecné uměnovědy

Felix Vodička: Struktura vývoje

Mukařovský Jan: Studie z estetiky

Mathauser Zdeněk: Estetické alternativy

Pešat Zdeněk: Artefakt, estetický objekt, konkretizace

Volek Jaroslav: Základy obecné teorie umění

Červenka Miroslav: Literární artefakt

Základní pojmy divadla (teatrologický slovník, ed. P. Pavlovský)

Zich Otakar: Estetická příprava mysli

Zich Otakar: Hodnocení umělecké a estetické

Assessment methods and criteria:

Grade and credit is awarded based on a minimumm of 80% lecture attendance which is a requirement for sitting the exam. Grading is done at the end of the lecture series with an oral exam.

Course web page:
Further information:
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2017/2018:
room K224
Pracovna pedagogů

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(paralelka 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 14:00–15:30 Jaroslav ETLÍK Pracovna pedagogů
Karlova 26, Praha 1
paralelka 1
Schedule for summer semester 2017/2018:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2018-06-18