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Dramatic Arts (P8203)

Tyoe of programme: PhD programme
Length: 3 years

Qualification awarded:


Level of qualification:

PhD Programme

Specific admission requirements:

Admission to the PhD programme is contingent on due completion of a Master's programme and the awarding of the title MgA./Mgr. The entrance examination takes the form of an oral interview on the candidate's proposed doctoral project before the admissions committee. The decision to admit a candidate to the PhD programme is made by the Dean based on the recommendation of the admissions committee. The final instance in the admissions process is the Rector, whose decision is final.

Specific requirements for admission are published on the web page http://www.damu.cz/pro-uchazece.

Electronic application for admission: https://prihlaska.amu.cz/apps/kos/prihlaska/

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:

Recognition procedures at AMU are governed by Article Nos. 89 and 90 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions, as amended and the AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations (Articles 8, 14, 18).

Qualification requirements and regulations

The Czech education system is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions, as amended and the Academy's internal regulations - AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations.

Profile of the programme:

The programme trains highly qualified experts in four fields: Scenic Art and Theory of Scenic Art (Scenology), Alternative and Puppet Theatre and its Theory, Authorial Acting and Theory of Authorial Creation and Pedagogy; and the Theory and Practice of Theatrical Art. The programme is focused on acquiring and demonstrating an ability to perform independent theoretical and creative activity in the area of artistic creativity and public performance generally, as well as independent research, possibly applicable in pedagogical practice. The PhD programme at DAMU is focused on researching the general internal principles and processes of dramatic culture and creation, on the development of and techniques used in the creation of theatrical works, either in the works of other subjects (research on art) or in one's own work (research in or through art).

Key learning outcomes:

The goal of the programme is to methodically develop one's own research activities, whether independently or as part of a research team, and innovative approaches to practice in the artistic sphere which are combined with the ability to pursue research through art. The student?s own deep knowledge of artistic processes is connected with the ability to reflect.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples:

Graduates of the PhD programme are highly qualified experts, creative personalities, usually artists and/or theoreticians, who are able to conceive of and realise research and artistic approaches which enrich and develop the field. Their research creates works which contribute to extending the limits of our understanding. Their contribution is often interdisciplinary; the innovative potential is contained in a direct link between their own creative work, including comprehensive reflection on it, and in finding creative applications for it in the artistic and social spheres.

Access to further studies:
Course structure diagram with credits:
Examination regulations, assessment and grading:

Studies are assessed by credits and examinations stipulated by the individual study plan.

The credit is an ungraded form of assessment of studies. It is allocated upon fulfilment of obligations stipulated for individual subjects and is recorded in the information system with the word „Credited“ (Z).

An examination is a graded form of assessment of studies, which tests knowledge and level of creativity in the relevant subject. It may be practical, written, oral or a combination of these methods.

It is graded with the words „pass“ - „fail“and is recorded in the doctoral study records or the information system.

Graduation requirements:

The oral defence of the dissertation is public. A precondition for an oral defence is the fulfilment of the requirements of the individual study plan for the PhD programme, including the submission of the dissertation with all required formalities. The result of the oral defence is also announced in public by the chairman of the committee for the state doctoral examination. If the result of the oral defence is negative, the Dean shall notify the student in writing of the committee's decision. In accordance with its conclusions, the committee shall state in the decision the conditions under which the oral defence may be repeated. The student may request an oral defence of the revised dissertation in a period between five months and one year from the unsuccessful oral defence. The oral defence may be repeated only once. A successful oral defence is a necessary precondition for the state final examination.

The state doctoral examination is held in public. A precondition for state doctoral examination is the fulfilment of the requirements of the individual study plan for the PhD programme, including the submission of the dissertation with all required formalities and its successful oral defence.

The student registers in writing for the oral defence of the dissertation and for the state doctoral examination.

The committees for the oral defence and the state doctoral examination and their chairpersons are appointed by the Dean on the recommendation of the doctoral board. Committees shall have at least five members. Professors, associate professors and experts approved by the faculty's artistic council are eligible for appointment as committee members. At least one committee member must be from a department outside of the faculty. The supervisor participates in the oral defence and examination as an auxiliary committee member in an advisory capacity. A syllabus of the dissertation must be available to committee members at least ten days prior to the oral defence.

The result of the oral defence is evaluated with the words „successful defence“or „unsuccessful defence“, and the result of the state doctoral examination is evaluated with the words „pass“or „fail“. The state doctoral examination committee deliberates on the result in camera. The state doctoral examination may be repeated only once.

Mode of study:
full-time / part-time
Programme director or equivalent:
prof. Mgr. PROVAZNÍK Jaroslav
Occupational profile of graduate:
Programme director or equivalent:
doc. Mgr. HANČIL Jan
List of qualifications:
Generated on 2018-06-18