- Email:
- Teacher's web page
- Courses:
- Authorship Presentation 1
- Authorship Presentation 2
- Authorship Presentation 2
- Authorship Presentation 3
- Authorship Presentation 3
- Culture and Social Communication I. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Culture and Social Communication I. 2 (Course guarantor)
- Culture and Social Communication II. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Culture and Social Communication II. 2 (Course guarantor)
- Graduation Presentation (Course guarantor)
- Group Training of Voice Education 1 (Course guarantor)
- Group Training of Voice Education 2 (Course guarantor)
- Group Training of Voice Education 3
- Group Training of Voice Education 4 (Course guarantor)
- Group Training of Voice Education 5 (Course guarantor)
- Group Training of Voice Education 6 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education 1 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education 2 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education 3 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education 4 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education 5 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education 6 (Course guarantor)
- Individual Voice Education in a Group 1
- Individual Voice Education in a Group 2
- Individual Voice Education in a Group 3
- Individual Voice Education in a Group 4
- Voice in movement, movement in voice (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 1 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 2 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 3 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 4 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 5 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 5 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 6 (Course guarantor)
- Voice within Methodology 6 (Course guarantor)
- Diploma thesis led and defended successfully:
- Pecharová Terezie – Osobnost hlasového pedagoga - jeho příprava a předpoklady pro vykonávání profese
- BcA. Mařádková Ladislava – Hlas jako nástroj k hledání sebevědomí, autority a identity budoucího učitele dětí předškolního věku
- BcA. Skovajsa Jan – K pedagogickým souvislostem v přístupu Moshé Feldenkraise a Ivana Vyskočila
- MgA. Raisová Michaela – Výchova k hlasu:Synergie přístupů
- MgA. Koderová Lucie – Role představy, fantazie a imaginace v psychosomatickém pohledu na hlas
- BcA. Karasová Agáta – Komunikační specifika pracovní role divadelní produkční