Nonverbal Theatre (8202R020)

bachelor's programme qualification

Specific admission requirements

Successful completion of a two-round aptitude test where the candidate?s talent prerequisites are verified from both a theoretical and practical perspective, i.e.:

First round:

  1. General overview of the history of pantomime ? candidates must demonstrate a general cultural overview with emphasis on the history and present of the field of pantomime and movement theatre. Tested in written form.
  2. Examination of movement technique ? the fundamentals of pantomime, clownery, improvisation, modern dance, a test of movement abilities for instruction in acrobatic and circus techniques.
  3. Aptitude test ? an interview, performance of the candidate?s required pantomime or movement etude (musical accompaniment permitted on a CD/MP3 player) of c. 5-10 minutes in length. The committee may assign other tasks in the form of an improvisation on a given topic.

Second round:

  1. Aptitude test ? independent preparation of an assigned task and its performance. The task is assigned by the committee after successful completion of the first round.
  2. Examination in music theory and the history of music ? concerns only candidates who advance from the aptitude test in the first round.

In addition to the essential talent prerequisites, we also require a general overview of theatrical arts and an animated interest in the genre of pantomime and movement theatre.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning

Qualification requirements and regulations

Field of study characterization

The goal of the Philosophy of Education of the Department of Pantomime is to link to the strong tradition of Czech Pantomime, which is represented by personalities such as Ladislav Fialka, Boris Hybner, Ctibor Turba, Bolek Polívka and others. In connection to this traditional line of education the Department focusses as well on new streams of Mime-Theatre, such as „New Circus“ and „Physical Theatre“, which are developing dynamically over the last three decades and which are representing a significant part of contemporary Mime-Theatre.

The aim is to combine the most important streams of traditional and contemporary Mime and to provide a top-level of education in those disciplines with the intention to educate professional artists with high standards of specialization, artistic quality and a wide range of admittance in professional show-business.

The bachelor`s degree is focussed on interpretation and performance of the disciplines in order to gain the craft of the different styles of Mime-Theatre and Circus.

Key learning outcomes

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Access to further studies

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Graduation requirements

Mode of study


Qualification director or equivalent


Field of study is part of study programme

Qualification study plans