Baroque Music Interpretation 3
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
104IB3 | Z | 1 | 1T | Czech | winter |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The course aim is a glimpse into issues of historically trained interpretation.
- fundamental concepts and terminology (in a period context)
- bearing in the literature (where to find detailed information).
- style variances (period and regional).
Mode of study
Lecture supplemented by sound and score samples requiring student participation.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
A partial knowledge of 17th and 18th century music and not just for keyboard instruments. Continuing courses: Interpretation of Baroque Music I and II.
Course contents
Brief course outline:
- Ornaments, their role and function, tracing their development druing the Baroque in individual countries.
- Tonal characteristics
Course syllabus:
The sections of ornaments covered requre a sense of expression and purpose of composition components so the execution of the linked ornaments are not contrary to the musical expression. As well comfort in the area of so called „willkuerliche Manieren“ requires imagination and particular technical talent but also a knowledge of the period's (style) inversions. To understand the source of these virtuoso ornaments one needs to know the Italian diminished principle (instrumental and vocal), the works and Baroque rhetoric figures for ornaments of so called „wesentlich Manieren“ and then the classification of markings which alternate between periods and regions. The numerous markings and potenital have their own general nature and well-defined types. This knowledge enables easier bearing in these issues.
The high and late Baroque is a concatenation of possible influences and types of ornaments.
Tonal characteristics have a particulary relation to composition expression. In some places it is dependent on the tuining system, and other places for the types of instrument or the individual code of the composer. The Baroque is linked in this to the tendence of modal characteristics. The more modern Baroque is devoted to a rather large number of thoeriticians and compsers of that period. Characteristics of chords and intervals come into purview.
Recommended or required reading
Czech and slovak:
BACH, Carl Philippe Emanuel, Úvaha o správném způsobu hry na klavír, Paido Brno 2002
DOLMETSCH, Arnold, Interpretace hudby 17. a 18. století, SNKLHU, Praha 1958
KAZÁROVÁ, Helena, Barokní taneční formy, AMU 2005
KALISTA, Zdeněk, Tvář baroka, Praha 1992, 2. vyd. Garamond, 2005
MOZART, Leopold, Leopolda Mozarta, velkoknížecího salcburského vicekapelníka důkladná škola na housle, Praha 2000
QUNTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius, Základy rétoriky,Odeon (Živá díla minulosti), Praha 1985
QUANTZ, Johann Joachim, Pokus o návod jak hrát na příčnou flétnu, Supraphon, Praha 1990
Slovenská hudba. Revue pre hudobnú kultúru. Antologia renesancia a barok, roč. XX, rok 1994, číslo 3-4
VILLARI Rosario (editor), Barokní člověk a jeho svět, Vyšehrad 2004
Foreign language:
Music encoklopediae MGG and Grove
The Companion to Baroque Music, Ed. J. A. Sadie, Oxford University Press 1998
DONINGTON, Robert, Interpretation of Early Music, Faber - Faber, London 1963, New Version London 1989
- Style and Performance. A Handbook, Faber Music 1982
FERGUSON, Howard, Keyboard Interpretation from the 14th to the 19th Century, Oxford University Press, London 1975, 1987
MATTHESON, Johann, Der vollkomenne Capelmeister, 1739, Faksimile (2. vyd.) Bärenreiter, Kassel, 1969
Grosse-Generalbass-Schule oder: Der exemplarischen Organisten-Probe II/1731, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1994
MIEHLING, Klaus, Das Tempo in der Musik von Barock und Vorklassik, Florian Noetzel Verlag, Wilhelmshaven 1993
NEUMANN, Friderik, Ornamentation in Baroque and Post-Baroque Music, Princeton 1978
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit is awarded based on:
Lecture participation
During the semester, independent reading and participation in discussion is requested. Also, 70% attendance at lectures. In case of inability due to health it is possible to request substitute fulfilment of requirements.
Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Harpsichord (Bc) (required subject with the possibility of repeat registration)
- Organ (Bc) (required subject with the possibility of repeat registration)