Non-Verbal Theatr-Clownerie 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
109NDC1 Z 5 8T Czech winter

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Learning outcomes of the course unit

To discover in one's acting an original and unrepeatable comical clown attitude. Comparison of the differences between circus and theatre manners of acting.

Mode of study

Praktické semináře.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Clownerie is intended for a wide range of students in theatre and dance studies. This may also be for directing and choreography students if they have interest in comedy theatre forms. The maximum number of students is 15.

Course contents


After encountering the imaginary white pantomime, students, in the second study-year are met with Clownerie. The style which is built on their imagination but works with particular expressive elements such as costumes, props, make-up.....

„Find your clown“ - is the working motto in the second study-year.

The aim of our collective work is in the period of one semesters, for the students to find their „Rowan Atkinson“, that unique real good comic figure, which we all carry inside. In the next semester "ONE'S CLOWN is to be used in the creation of passages and entrees, short comic performances which the students prepare dramaturgically and directorially. At the close of this phase is the igniting and drawing out. We then discuss the use of imagination and other elements of theatre such as costumes, masks and props.

Instruction is based on film recordings of world-renowned clowns; L. Jengibarov, Grock, F. Fellini ? Clowni, WC Fields, Colmbaioni, Slava Polunin, Ch. Rivell, Pierre Byland a Phillipe Gaulier, Lupino Lane, Harpo Marx

Course curriculum

Find your own clown:

The task of the clown is to entertain the public

Contact with the audience (first and last glance belongs to the audience)

Time before the audience (a clown has the right to remain on stage as long as they are entertaining people and keeping their interest)

My own exceptionalness. Each of us knows something unusual. We are interesting in our originality

Recommended or required reading

Studijní literatura:

Tristan Rémy: Klauniády

Boleslav Polívka: Předběžný portrét

Beryl Hugill.Hugill : Bring on the Clowns

Karel Kludský: Život v cirkuse

Jacques Lecoque: The moving body.

Eugenio Barba, Nicola Savarese: Slovník divadelní antropologie

Bruce dassau:Dassau: Život a doba Rowana Atkinsona

Daniel Storm: Kdo je Mr. Bean.

Jan Werich: Úsměv klauna.

Jiří Frejka: Smích a divadelní maska

Jerzy Grotovsky: Divadlo a Rituál

Jiřina Ryšánková: Herec a pohyb.

Assessment methods and criteria

In this course the most important criteria for evaluation is the greatest shift in acting in a clown mask. Emphasis is placed, mainly, on the work during the course of the entire semester.


Bez údaje.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

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