Psychology of Mimic and Gesticulation 3

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
109PMG3 Z 3 1T Czech winter

Subject guarantor


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Learning outcomes of the course unit

Theory reviews on non-verbal communication means.

Mode of study


Prerequisites and co-requisites

Completion of the course in the previous semester.

Course contents

Non-verbal communication

Communication channels

Non-verbal communication and theatre practice

Further types of non-verbal communication systems

Video-recording analysis

Gesture and mime in music

Recommended or required reading

Birdwhistell R.L. : Kinesics and Context, University of Pensylvania Press, Philadelphia 1970

Csonka Š., Mistrík J., Urbár L. : Frekvenčný slovník posunkovej reči, Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo, Bratislava 1986

Davies R. : Jak číst obličeje, Železný, Praha 1996

Fast J. : Body Language, Pocket Books, New York 1971

Gabrielová D., Paur J., Zeman J. : Slovník znakové řeči, Horizont, Praha 1988

Hahn M.E., Jensen C., Dudek B.C. : Development and Evolution of Brain Size ? Behavioral Implications, Academic Press, New York 1982

Hall E.T. : The Hidden Dimension, Anchor Books, New York 1969

Hall J. : Slovník námětů a symbolů ve výtvarném umění, Mladá fronta, Praha 1991

Jung C.G. : Analytická psychologie, Academia, Praha 1993

Křivohlavý J. : Nonverbální komunikace, AMU, Praha 1987

Lewis D.: Tajná řeč těla, Victoria publishing, Praha 1995

Morris D. : Bodytalk, Random House, London 1994

Assessment methods and criteria

Semester paper, presentation, credit.


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Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

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Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

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