Perceptual evaluation as an experimental method

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
171MPHEM Z 1 BLOK Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Marek FRIČ

Name of lecturer(s)

Marek FRIČ

Learning outcomes of the course unit

  1. Introduce students to methodological procedures and technical execution of perception test preparations in Vicero software developed in the Music Acoustics Research Center (web application PsychotestEditor and MTB software listening test).
  2. Introduce students with test preparations (establishing listening hypothesis), stimuli preparation (recordings, multimedia), and programming of the test interface itself.
  3. Partial processing of results with students leaning to evaluate the process of the evaluators, establish resulting evaluation according the grading layout of the Vicero evaluator. Based on further statistical processing, the subsequent evaluation (correlation analysis, ANOVA, factor analysis) with an introduction to the basics of acquired results intepretation.

Mode of study

Module instruction 4x by 3 instruction hours.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

It is helpful to have completed a course on research methods, or have a prepared practical research questions regarding perceptual evaluation.

Course contents

1st. Modular course

a) methodical division of types of perception tests (scaling, arranging, pair comparison, and others)

b) preparation of research questions and hypotheses

c) stimuli preparation

Task 1: preparation of stimulus file for use in the test

2nd. Course

a) Working with the Listening Test - pre-defined test types, loading stimuli

b) Working with PsychotestEditor (PTE) - objects

c) Creating and account in PTE and loading stimulous files

Task 2: Preparation of the introductory images and PTE learning

3rd course

a) working with PTE - programming test images (scaling, arranging, pair comparison and others)

b) working with PTE - graphics management of individual objects

Task 3: creating at least 2 types of tests

4th course

a) working with PTE - acquiring result data and their preparation for further analysis

b) Processing results in the Listening Test - statistical module

Task 4: evaluating at least 2 types of tests and protocol for processing results.

Recommended or required reading

PsychotestEditor software manual

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on course participation and the class paper summarizing and interpreting results from completed assignments (min. 2 listening tests results)


BLOK - informace u RNDr. Marka Friče, Ph.D.

Further information

This course is an elective for all AMU students

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans