The History of Czech Theatre 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
201DCK2 | ZK | 3 | 2T | Czech | summer |
Subject guarantor
Zuzana SÍLOVÁ, Jaroslav VOSTRÝ
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The course aim is a student familiarity with the role and development of theatre in modern Czech culture which allows them to create an idea of how make their own potential story in the contemporary story of Czech theatre; in other words; it is, in the perspective of their future professional activity, to help make the story of theatre a part of Czech modern culture of their own story.
- Provide Drama Theatre Dept. acting, directing and dramaturgy students an image of the fundamental tendencies of theatre in the context of the story of Czech culture,
- Provide a basic bearing in the covered tendencies, where in presentations, it is not only a historiographic process from one topic identical to the relevant historical period but a glimpse into the „overall“ development of Czech drama, more or less, in the discussion of each topic.
- Presentation of individual tendencies of Czech drama theatre and its conflicts as open events where also as important as facts are the questions which arise from them,
- Presentation and analysis of bases or subjects corresponding to various tendencies in Czech drama theatre.
Mode of study
Lextue linked to pra proseminar.
A combination of instructor presentation with contributions by students , discussing those figures, respectively (in particuar direction/dramaturgy students) tendencies which are or may be interesting to them. Contributions come from independent study of selected and/or instructor recommended (from a fundamental perspective, supplementary) literature including commemorative books.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful completion of the exam based on the course paper on an assigned topic.
Course contents
This course presents an innovative version of the Proseminar in the History of Theatre in a Czech Cultural Context, tested in the 2016/17 academic year. This well-define version originates in actual experience. Topics have been selected from the perspective of (pressing) needs of the Drama Dept (and Czech drama and drama acting), but sets a series from the perspective of a systematically developed concept. This concept and topics are based on long term research begun by the participating instructors at the Institute of Stage Theory. The to date results of this research have been published. (see recommended literature).
Academic Year 2018/2019 Summer semester topics:
From F. Zavřel to K. H. Hilar and from Hilar at the Vinohrady Theatre to Hilar at the National Theatre.
The great actor in modern theatre: from Vojan to Štěpánek
From liberated to engaged theatre: Avant Gard between poetry and politics.
Karel Čapek and Czech Theatre
On the path from a revolutionary vision to citizenship and from the free state to the protectorate: theatre and society.
1945 -1948: The Czech theatre revolution, its prerequisites and end.
The 1945 acting generation and its fate.
Czech theatre and the fate of Alfred Radok
Krejčo's path from Frejek's Vinohrady Theatre through the National Theatre to Divadlu za branou.
Great theatre in small spaces: Divadlo Na zábradlí and Činoherní klub.
From Reduta to studio theatre: from the 1960s to normalization and contemporary alternatives.
From operettas to musicals: Theatre as entertainment, and/or art.
The media era and Czech theatre from October to today.
Recommended or required reading
Literature for the Summer Semester:
Plays: Dyk, Zmoudření dona Quijota; Šrámek, Měsíc nad řekou; Mahen, Mrtvé moře / Janošík; Langer, Periferie a Jízdní hlídka; Čapek, Bílá nemoc a Matka; Topol, Konec masopustu; další hry podle vlastního uvážení
Monographs and articles:
Císař, J. Přehled dějin českého divadla, Praha 2006 [přísl. kapitoly z 2. vyd. v jednom svazku]
Fischer, O. „Činohra v pražských divadlech: Prozatímním, Národním, Městském“, in Československá vlastivěda, VIII. sv. (Umění), Praha 1935: 408–432 (Dvacáté století: Prvé desetiletí; Druhé desetiletí, Po roce 1920)
Dějiny českého divadla díl III., Praha 1977; díl IV., Praha 1983 (vybr. kapitoly)
Jindřich Vodák k historii českého divadla, Praha 2017
Tille, V. Divadelní vzpomínky, Praha 2018
Götz, F. Boj o český divadelní sloh, Praha 1934
Hyvnar, J. O českém dramatickém herectví 20. století, Praha 2008
Sílová, Z. Komedianti na české scéně. Od divadla k filmu, Praha 2013: 45–54 (Hübnerová) a 55–64 (Zakopal); 109–174 (kap. věnované Vlastovi Burianovi, V+W a Hugo Haasovi)
Just, V. Divadlo v totalitním systému. Příběh českého divadla (1945-1989) nejen v datech a souvislostech, Praha 2010
Kraus, K. Divadlo ve službách dramatu, Praha 2001: 197–298 [texty věnované O. Krejčovi]
Vostrý, J. Zdeněk Štěpánek (Herec a dějiny), Praha 1997: 78–275
Vostrý, J. / Sílová, Z. České drama a český hrdina, Praha 2017 (vybrané kapitoly)
Bár, P. Od operety k muzikálu (Zábavněhudební divadlo v Československu po roce1945), Praha 2013
sb. Sláva a bída herectví, Praha 2013,
Sílová, Z. (ed.) Generace a kontinuita, Praha 2009
Sílová, Z. DISK a generace 1945, Praha 2006
Sílová, Z. Radovan Lukavský, Praha 1999
Sílová, Z. / Bár, P. Frejkovy Schovávané na schodech, Praha 2014
Vostrý, J. / Sílová, Z. / Bár, P. Divadelním ředitelem 1945–1950 (Jiří Frejka na Vinohradech), Praha 2016
Sílová, Z. / Vostrý, J. Městská divadla pražská v éře Oty Ornesta, Praha 2014
Vostrý, J. Činoherní klub 1965–1972 (Dramaturgie v praxi), Praha 1996, event. Petr Čepek (Talent a osud), Praha 1996 n. 2004
Memoirs: Kohout, E. Divadlo aneb Snář, příp. Scheinpflugová, O. Byla jsem na světě, nebo Pešek, L. Tvář bez masky, or other according to one's own selection or that of recommended by the instructor
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam on the presented course paper on an assigned topic.
The selected instructor approach is enabled by the concept of the history of Czech theatre as a conflict of tendencies whose form, in the context of the societal and cultural development, changes but which according to the wise judgement of the great Czech art historian Max Dvořák, is never completely lost, „Everything art has created in the historically transparent and related to cultural periods, has never been lost, rather is immanently found in the contents of the whole later development and always repeatedly receives new significance. This applies to individual to motifs and general directions and treatments.“ This is, otherwise, given in the consideration of culture itself of which theatre is a multi-level part. It functions in the as well, not only as art but also as a state sponsored institution and sometimes predominantly for entertainment purposes and as a entreprenurial subject. In its internal structure (and from a certain central perspective, a view and stimulus of the corresponding social and individual (self)staging. From this perspective, it represents a distinctive and important medium, linked particularly through acting and other media creating a stage culture as a fundamentally important field and level of the function of the contemporary society.
Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Date | Day | Time | Tutor | Location | Notes | No. of paralel |
Fri | 11:30–13:00 | Hallerův sál Karlova 26, Praha 1 |
lecture parallel1 |
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Acting for Dramatic Theatre (M.A.) (required subject)
- Directing and Dramaturgy for Dramatic Theatre (B.A.) (required subject)
- Stage Design (B.A.) (required subject)