Theatrical and Anthropological Workshop 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
202DAD1 Z 3 20S Czech winter

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Learning outcomes of the course unit

Testing one's abilities and skills, discovered in the theatre anthropology class on video-recording examples of an acting ensemble of the so called second theatre reform. The aim is personal and group creativity experience and one's discovery of what supports it and what prevents it; development of perception, empathy and ability to articulate one's impulses into expression: communcation, sharing, understanding.

Mode of study

Roughly a week-long intensive (8 hours per day) introduction to various types of movement, vocal and comprehensive exercises which develop the originality: internal and external perception of impulses, skill in the awareness of potential interplay of one's impulses and group impulses. How to directly capture expression to a repeatable form and develop this further and refine in improvisation movements and finally in speaking dialogues. This changes according to the composition of the group, always with group, individual and pair exercises.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

The workshop may be attended by those who have completed at least one semester Theatre Anthropology course and is willing to participate in a practice workshop completely (with out missing a lesson).

Course contents

The workshop checks the students ideas about what creativity is and how to recognize it, expand and form it so it may be communicated and help in integration into personal talent and into a temporary creative group.

Recommended or required reading

Barba, E., Savarese, N.: Slovník divadelní antropologie. Praha 2000

Pilátová, J: Hnízdo Grotowského. Praha 2009 (tam další odkazy)

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on active and complete participation in the workshop and subsequent written and group review.


The workshop is appropriate for advanced students. An exception may be made for 1st year students based on a prior consultation. The workshop is available for students or graduates of other faculties if they have taken the Theatre Anthropology course.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans