Seminar of Theatre Anthropology 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
202DSE1 Z 3 3T Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Mode of study

Class, group work. Repeated video screenings (3-4 repetitions of cca 5 minute samples) and subsequent observations and analyses of the presented examples which are not disclosed prior (group work samples, exercises or parts of performances or in the field events of important groups at the introduction to Teatru Laboratorium, Odin Teatret, Gerdzienic, etc.). Students expand, in discussions, their abilities in perception and interpretation of various acting and directing quality, types of collaboration with the audience, etc. At the close of each lesson the example is placed in the context of the work of that group or actor. Student ability to recognize the particulars of certain theatre expression and knowledge of their sense gradually grows as well as an awareness of the range of anthropological theatre approaches potential (example comparison).

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No requirements.

Course contents

Course on video-preview and its interactive analysis introduces students to:

Recommended or required reading

BARBA, Eugenio; SAVARESE, Nicola. Slovník divadelní antropologie: O skrytém umění herců. Přel. Jan Hančil, Dana Kalvodová, Jitka Sloupová a Nina Vangeli. Praha: NLN; Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2000. 288 s. Přel. z: A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology. The Secret Art of the Performer. ISBN 80-7008-109-0 (DÚ). ISBN 80-7106-369-X (NLN).

BRAUN, Kazimierz. Druhá divadelní reforma? Přel. Jiří Vondráček. Praha: Divadelní ústav; Praha: Městská knihovna; Praha: AMU; Brno: JAMU, 1993. 176 s. Přel. z: Druga reforma teatru? ISBN 80-7008-037-X.

PILÁTOVÁ, Jana. Hnízdo Grotowského: Na prahu divadelní antropologie. Praha: Insdtitut umění-Divadelní ústav, 2009. 584 s. ISBN 978-80-70008-239-3.

PILÁTOVÁ, Jana (ed.). Jerzy Grotowski a Teatr Laboratorium: Texty: (první část). Praha: Pražské kulturní středisko, 1990130 s. ISBN 80-85040-05-3.

---. Jerzy Grotowski a Teatr Laboratorium: Texty: (druhá část. Praha: Pražské kulturní středisko, 1990. 126 s. ISBN 80-85040-07-7.

---. Jerzy Grotowski a Teatr Laboratorium: Texty: (třetí část). Praha: Pražské kulturní středisko, 1990. 134 s. ISBN 80-85040-07-8.

TURNER, Victor. Průběh rituálu.Překl. Lucie Kučerová z The Ritual process: Structure and Anti-Structure.Computer Press, Brno 2004, 194 str. ISBN 80-722-6900-3

Assessment methods and criteria

In the middle of the year - credit, at the end - exam.

Credit is awarded based on:

class participation,

attendance (75%),

a course paper, discussed in colloquium. The student will attempt to respond to questions formed by themselves; the response should be supported by a greater view of some covered topics (personality, example), one's own study of the subject literature and complimentary samples in theatre practice (at best, in live theatre which they and other students know, possibly also video).


Appropriate for 2nd year students; Beginning students may attend with permission.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans