Stage Music 2
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
205SHK2 | Z | 1 | 8S | Czech | winter |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Introduction to the functions of a sound and music plann in a drama work. Development of the ability to explore available adequate sound of a theatre production which would be as well not only functional but available for a children's ensemble. Knowledge of various music styles and possible applications of them in a drama work.
Mode of study
Contact instruction, Analysis of recorded and live music and staging examples, Group work, Project preparations.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
- Fundamental knowledge of issues in music training and music history.
- Completion of the course „Music-Rhythm Training“.
- Experience in staging.
- Experience in practice with a children's or middle-school ensemble.
Course contents
This course is linked to the „Music Rhythm Training“ course and introduces the potential that music and sound plans have in general as one of the elements of a theatre performance. Instruction is modeled according to the needs and interests of the students considering their theatre work with children and youth. Attention is focused on incidental music creation:
- incidental music theory,
- functional relationships,
- completing the music script,
- fundamentals of studio technology,
- professional music theory expression.
Students have the opportunity to produce a collective work - best when connected to a theatre project.
In practice this is the creation and its completion (text, sound), including visits to recording studios and arranging live recordings.
Recommended or required reading
DIMÉNY, Judit. Zvuk jako hra. Přel. Nadja Jasanová. Praha: Panton, 1992. 184 s. ISBN 80-7039-152-9.
FELIX, Belo.Druhá múza detského divadla. 2. prepr. vyd. Bratislava: Národné osvetové centrum, 1996. 164 s. ISBN 80-7121-101-X .
HURNÍK, Ilja; EBEN, Petr. Česká Orffova škola II: Pentatonika. Praha-Bratislava: Supraphon, 1969. 56 s.
---. Česká Orffova škola III: DUR - MOLL. Praha: Supraphon, 1972. 108 s.
HURNÍK, Ilja; EBEN, Petr aj. Česká Orffova škola I: Začátky. Praha: Supraphon, 1969. 100 s.
KOLAFA, Jiří. Hudební nauka pro nehudebníky. 2., rev. vyd. Praha: AMU, Divadelní fakulta / Filmová a televizní fakulta, 1999.108 s. ISBN 80-85883-47-3.
---. O dětské hudbě, hudbě pro děti, divadelní a loutkové zvláště. Ostrava: Krajské kulturní středisko v Ostravě, 1989. 16 s.
---. Zvuková složka komponovaného pořadu. Čs. loutkář. 1986, roč. XXXVI, č. 12.
ŠTRBOVÁ, Jana. Moje cesta k tvorbě hudební složky v divadle hraném dětmi. 102 s. Praha, 1996. Diplomová práce (MgA.). Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Divadelní fakulta, katedra výchovné dramatiky.
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit is awarded for active work in class, creation of a sound plan for various types of projects - according to the interest and needs of the students.
Further information
No schedule has been prepared for this course