Copyright Law 1

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206ATR1 Z 2 2T Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The aim of the presentation in the winter semester is an analysis of the copyright system including its arrangements in the intellectual property rights field, criteria for copyright, analysis of types of copyright works, analysis of personal and property copyright, statute of limitations of copyrights, licensing a work in relationship to the user and presentation of further issues contained in copyright law.

Mode of study


Prerequisites and co-requisites


Course contents

Recommended or required reading

Kříž, Jan; Holcová, Irena; Kordač Jiří; Křesťanová Veronika: „Autorský zákon a předpisy související-komentář“, Linde Praha, a. s. 2005

Telec, Ivo; Tůma Pavel: „Autorský zákon, komentář“, C.H. Beck, Praha 2007

Chaloupková, Helena; Svobodová, Hana; Holý, Petr: „Autorský zákon, komentář“, C.H. Beck, Praha 2001

Holub, Milan; Fiala, Josef; Borovský Jaroslav: „Občanský zákoník-poznámkové vydání s judikaturou“, Linde Praha, a. s., 2000

Srstka, Jiří: „Autorské právo v divadle“, nakladatelství AMU 2006

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam over the discussed instruction material.


Course is only open bi-yearly in academic years starting in odd years (2015/2016, 2017/2018...).

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans