Cultural policies in EU

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206KPU1 Z 3 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

  1. Student is acquainted with the culture strategy of the EU, European Council and UNESCO.
  2. Student is acquainted with particular cultural policies of selected EU countries.
  3. Students demonstrate an ability to compare culture policy tools of EU countries and analyze their effect on the stage arts field.

Mode of study

Instruction through lectures and classes.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

  1. Basic knowledge of EU, UNESCO, etc. critical documents related to cultural policy.
  2. Detailed knowledge of the cultural policy of some European countries and a generall awareness of the culture strategy of other European countries.

Course contents

This course presents the culture policy of European countries (and supra-national institutions) as the source for comparing with the culture policy of the Czech Republic and culture strategies and culture planning of the state, region and cities.

  1. Culture strategy of European institutions.
  2. Culture policy of particular European countries.
  3. Standards and priorities of culture policies in Europe.
  4. Culture systems management and Finance principles.
  5. Relationship models of the state and culture.
  6. 21 dilemmas in creating cultural policy.
  7. Evaluating culture as an ideological concept.
  8. Management of selected recommended writings.
  9. Interpretation of fundamental sources.

Recommended or required reading

Compendium of Cultural Policie and Trends in Europe /

Kulturní politika Evropské unie − Evropeizace české kulturní politiky / Zuzana Panczaková,Magisterská diplomová práce. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009.

International Conference in Cultural Policy Research Istanbul, August 2008

Reflections on the National Dimension of European Cultural Policy / Peter Duelund

International Conference in Cultural Policy Research Istanbul, August 2008

Funding the Arts and Culture in the EU: The Role of the Different Sources of Funds and Their Interaction / A. Klamer, L. Petrova, A. Mignosa

[Fifth International Conference in Cultural Policy Research (Istanbul, August 2008)]

Financing the Arts and Culture in the European Union. Study./Arjo Klamer, Lyudmilla Petrova, Anna Mignosa, Brussels: DG Internal Policies of the European Union, November 2006.

Hagoort, G., Umělecký management v podnikatelském stylu. Praha: AMU, Disk, 2009.

Holden, J., Capturing Cultural Value: How Culture Has Become a Tool of Government Policy. London: DEMOS, 2004.

Chiaravalloti, F., A Non-Prescriptive View of Artistic Value . University of Groningen, 2008.

Vztah státu ke kultuře, kulturní politika evropských zemí: Aktualizace vybraných problémů. / Kol. autorů,Pro Ministerstvo kultury ČR zpracovala Katedra teorie kultury (katedra kulturologie), Filozofická fakulta UK, 2004.

Vztahstátukekultuřevevropskýchzemich.doc (948.0 KB)

Komparace kulturních systémů 15 zemí Evropské unie.Divadelní ústav, 2003.

Cultural Legislation, Why? How? What? / MUCICA, Delia,The European Commission, 2003.

Towards a New Cultural Framework Programme of the European Union. / ARCIER, B. F. d´– ARKIO, T. – HRAB, O. – PALMER, R. – WAGNER, G. – WEBER, R. The European Commission, 2003.

Exploitation and Development of the Job Potential in the Cultural Sector in the Age of Digitalisation.The European Commission, June 2001.

Converging cultural policies: The pragmatic approach of the arts all over Europe.

In The Arts, Politics and Change: Participative Cultural Policymaking in South East Europe / C. Smithuijsen, C. Suteu and H. Weeda (eds.), Amsterdam: Boekmanstudies, 2005, p. 261-273.

Cultural trade: Background report 18 December 2002. / H. Close, R. Donovan

Sydney: Australia Council for the Arts, 2003.

Survey of the core principles and objecives that are fundamental to future cultural trade negotiations.

Differing Diversities: Transversal Study on the Theme of Cultural Policy and Cultural Diversity. / Tony Bennett, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, November 2001.

How the United States Funds the Arts. /Washington, D. C.: National Endowment for the Arts, October 2004.

National Systems of Financial Guarantees in 31 Countries. / Stéphanie de Brabander, Ute Collinet, Stéphanie Gille, Paris: EPIC, [2003].

Why we need European cultural policies: The impact of EU enlargement on cultural policies in transition countries. / Nina Obuljen, Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, [2005].

Capturing Cultural Value: How Culture Has Become a Tool of Government Policy. / John Holden, London: DEMOS, 2004.

Dave O´Brien: Cultural policy: Managment, value and modernity in the creative industrie. London a New York: Taylor and Francis, 2013.

Matarasso, F.- Landry, Ch., Hledání rovnováhy (21 strategických dilemat v kulturní politice. Brno: Barrister&Principal, 2015

Myerscough, J., The Economic Importance of the Arts in Britain, Policy Studies Indy, 2008.

Reeves, M., Measuring the Economic and Social Impact of the Arts. London: Arts Council England, 2002.

Žáková E., Kraus M.: Kulturní a kreativní průmysly ve vybraných evropských zemích.Praha: Institut umění, 2014

Assessment methods and criteria

The requirement to complete the course is the completion of the class paper, its successful presentation and completion of the oral exam. The overall grade consists of 10% for class participation, 30% for the class paper and 60% for the exam.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

room S410
Učebna S410 (DAMU)

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)

(lecture parallel1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Wed 09:00–12:00 Bohumil NEKOLNÝ Učebna S410 (DAMU)
Karlova 26, Praha 1
lecture parallel1

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