Team Management 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206MNT2 Z 1 24S Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Jarmila Ester FIŠEROVÁ

Learning outcomes of the course unit

An understanding of what influences and forms professional management today and into the future.

What theory (confirmed in practice) directions can be relied upon in order for management to be free and sensible.

Team dynamics expected by the manager, working productively on a task.

IMPORTANT IS: based on theory we continue higher education study - independence and resposibility in thought, dead, beginnings and evaluation. We encourage each other to think about what we actually want, how to get it and what we need to get for it, etc.

Mode of study

This is an all-day block course. The students learn what is important for further work in the Critical theory basics course, though there is less practical work in the first course. The intent is for the students to consider fully, and unlearn the desire for following physical data but to go through things themselves. It is evaluated during the course whether all the students understand the pre-set context and if the course is beneficial.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Required completion of course Team Management 1.

Course contents

Introduction to the necessary phases of team development.

Understanding of team roles and bearing in personal preferences, contributions and risks of various roles.

Significance of teamwork and requirements for effective teamwork

Conditions and requirements for team collaboration, negotiating teamwork tasks.

Negative events in teamwork.

Team decision and problem resolution methodology.

Recommended or required reading

Berne, Eric: Jak si lidé hrají, Praha: Dialog, 1992

Bono, Edward de: Šest klobouků aneb Jak myslet, 1. vyd. Praha: Argo, 1997

Bourdieu, Pierre: Teorie jednání, Praha: Karolinum, 1998, 179 s.

Fromm, Erich: Umění být, Praha: Naše vojsko, 1994, 124 s.

Pacovský P.: Člověk a čas, Time Management IV. generace, Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007

Parma, Petr: Systemické koučování, Praha: ISK, 2004, 222 s.

Popper, Karl: Logika vědeckého zkoumání, Praha: Oikoymenh, 1997, 617 s.

Schlippe, Arist von, Schweitzer J.: Systemická terapie a poradenství, Brno: Cesta, 2006, 251 s.

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on:

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans