Theory of Drama Seminar 2

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207STE2 ZK 3 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Jaroslav ETLÍK

Name of lecturer(s)

Jaroslav ETLÍK

Learning outcomes of the course unit

  1. The starting point of the lecture series is - aside from a summary of structural contributions - the semiotic school of Czech theatre theory - a detailed presentation to students to new or contemporary concepts in theatre review in a domestic and foreign context.
  2. To direct attention to the international context of theatre theory, that is the theory concepts of R. Barthes, M. De Marinis, J. Alter, A. Ubersfeld, P. Pavise, H.T. Lehmann, E. Fischer - Lichte and others. This international context creates the framework in which the presentation of contemporary theatre research issues thought plays out.
  3. To introduce students to efforts to overcome structural starting points - semiotic schools of contemporary theatre research: post-drama theatre (Lehmann), performace in theatre, aesthetics of performance (Fischer - Lichte, Roselt), ontological elements of theatre action, emphasis on its process considerations (Etlik, Roubal).

Mode of study

Concept interpretation, theory text reading and analyses, recording analyses.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No requirements.

Course contents

  1. Anthropological foundations of theatre.
  2. Ritual and theatre.
  3. Semiotic aspects of theatre.
  4. Performativity in theatre.
  5. Ontology and neo-ethical items in theatre scenes.

Recommended or required reading

Barba Eugenio, Savarese Nicolas: Slovník divadelní antropolgie

Peter Brook: Nitky času

Divadlo (časopis, ročníky 1956-1970)

Divadelní revue (časopis, ročníky 1990-2011)

Císař Jan: Člověk v situaci

Etlík Jaroslav: Divadlo jako zakoušení

Lehmann Hans-Thies: Postdramatické divadlo

Pavis Patrice: Divadelní slovník

Pavis Patrice: Současný stav výzkumu v oblasti analýzy představení: Divadelní věda či performance studies?

Roubal Jan: Představení jako kaosmos. K jeho chápání v performativní estetice Eriky Fischerové - Lichte a trochu i jinde

Svět a divadlo (časopis, ročníky 1990-2011)

Souřadnice a kontexty divadla. Antologie současné německé divadelní teorie (ed. J. Roubal)

Schechner Richard: Performancia, teória, praktiky, rituály

Základní pojmy divadla (teatrologický slovník, ed. P. Pavlovský)

Assessment methods and criteria

Grades and credit are awarded based a minimum of 80% lecture participation which is a condition for sitting the exam. Grading is done upon completion of the lecture cycle with the submission of a written review, which the student writes on a defined theatre - theory issue topic. Grading continues with the subsequent oral exam.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

room K224
Pracovna pedagogů

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 14:30–16:00 Jaroslav ETLÍK Pracovna pedagogů
Karlova 26, Praha 1

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