The contemporary cinematography by creative directors of Be2Can 1

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
302MSFK1 Z 2 3/D Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The module focuses on introducing students to the form and selection of the most crucial world film festivals. In film examples and their setting into the context of national cinematography and world cinematography, students' knowledge of the most current developments in film language will be expanded.

Mode of study

Lecture series with screenings and debates.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No requirements.

Course contents

The aim of the module is to provide students with a comprehensive view of current world festival pieces. What the film festivals in Berlin, Venice and Cannes look like. What trends define them. What artists are fostered by the festivals. Which festival films have the greatest expectations. How the films by particular filmmakers and nations stand in a historical context.

The module is made up of three parts:

PART ONE - Introductory lecture - Friday 6.10.2017 - 10:00 - U1 - FAMU

Dramaturgy film review Be2Can, Aleš Stuchlý and Vít Schmarc acquaint students with the most interesting things from this year and past years at the Venice, Berlin and Cannes film festivals. Special attention will be given to the festival in Locarn in which Aleš Stuchlý took part as a jury member for the Europe Cinemas Label. The lecture will last approximately one instruction hour. It will take place at FAMU and at the close there will be time for discussion.

PART TWO- Lecture from the Be2CAn Focus series

Students, according to their interest select one of the lectures in the Be2Can Focus series which will take place in the Lucerna Cinema Small cinema hall

Friday 6. 10 - 20:00 Cinema Světozor

Lecture: Retrospective of HEAVENLY SORRENTINO

Family friend and formal magician Paolo Sorrentino through the eyes of Be2Can dramaturgists. The Italian image architect and the consequence of his love for music, youth and beauty of all kinds - from The Superfluous Man to To a Young Pope. Commentary on samples and Cardinals of (bad) taste, Aleš Stuchlý and Vít Schmarc shall bless them.

Friday 6.10 - 17:30 - Lucerna Small hall

RUBEN ÖSTLUND: Force Majeure

Swedish film sociologist, holder of a Golden Palm award and passionate skiier, Ruben Oestlund uncovers undermined and unconditional instincts, which influence our actions in private and public. Several halts in the film show how it is to be in the grips of one's powerlessness, presented by Vit Schmarc (45 min.)

Saturday 7.10 - 17:00 - Lucerna Small hall

CINEFOUNDATION panel: round table and screening

What does the prestigious Cannes Film Festival Cinefoundation section mean for foreign filmmakers. Would this start their international career? Was it possilble for young Czech and Slovak filmmakers, after being selected for this section (or even after winning one of the three awards) to repeat their success? The first domestic debate on this topic, with young participating artists and the FAMU dean Zdeněk Holý.

Sunday, 8.10. - 17:00 - Lucerna Small hall


Essentially a sceptic or realist? Most interesting of contemporary Russian artists and beloved of the most prestigious film festival, Andrej Zvjagincev through the eyes of a dramaturgist Be3Can, Aleš Stuchlý. From the symbols intertwined in the films The Return and The Banishment through Elena and the non-conventional procedural Loveless to the perfect synthesis of allegory and political gesture in the film Leviathan. Film commentary presented by Od symboly protkaných filmů Návrat a Vyhoštění přes kuchyňské drama Jelena a nekonvenční procedurál Nemilovaní až po dokonalou syntézu alegorie a politického gesta ve snímku Leviatan. Komentované pásmo ukázek uvede Aleš Stuchlý (45 min).

PART THREE - Film screenings

Students select and watch one of the films presented in the review. They subsequently write a review of 2 standard pages on the viewed film.

The students will be given the dates and times of the selected screenings, entrance free of charge, at the introductory lecture.

The submitted review may be dedicated to any film from the Be2Can review. Students select if they will review a film to which they have free entrance or another from the Be2Can program.

Recommended or required reading


Assessment methods and criteria

Attendance at the entire introductory lecture, lectures and film screenings of personal choice. The student is subsequently required to complete a personal review of the viewed films pieces in a paper of at least 2 standard pages and is to send it to

Upon completion of all requrements and the submission of the review by 31.10.2017 the student will be awarded 2 credits.



Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans