Practical Film Language 2

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
302PFR2 Z 1 Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Creation of a practical-analytical awareness of the basic elements of film expression.

Mode of study

přednáška, převedení teorie do praktické části

Prerequisites and co-requisites

nesjou žádné požadavky pro zapsání tohoto předmětu

Course contents

A series of short exercises intended to help students master the basic principles and elements of classic film narration. The exercises form the practical component of the lecture course on ?Film Language?.

Each Directing dept. student (and an elective for students in other depts.) creates a short film in which they use the basic characteristics of film language (according to the theory section). Afterward there will be a group analysis.

Recommended or required reading

Jerzy Plazewski: Filmová řeč

Henri Bazin: Co je to film?

Assessment methods and criteria

Během prvního semestru vytvoření krátkého filmu dle zadaných parametrů a jeho prezentace v rámci přednášky Filmová řeč I. (Výsledek dodat ve formátu DV)



Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans