Studio Exercise

Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
302SCA Z 4 60S Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Pavel MAREK, Bohdan SLÁMA

Name of lecturer(s)

Pavel MAREK, Bohdan SLÁMA

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Introducing students to TV studio equipment/technology and potential of TV recording.

Mode of study

Teoretické a praktické seznamování studentů se základními možnostmi Studia, s technikou a obsluhou ateliéru, s ovládáním studiové televizní kamery a s rolí švenkra.

Příprava natáčení jednoduché situace sekvenční technologií v rámci předmětu Praxe natáčení v TV studiu.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

ukončený 1. ročník bakalářského studia

Course contents

Qualification exercise for second-year bachelor students in the Film Directing Department in cooperation with the Cinematography and the Editing Departments:

Students are given a general introduction to the studio, its technology, studio services, handling the TV studio cameras and the role of the camera operator. Preproduction of a simple situatoin using sequence technology as part of the subject „TV Studio Filming Practice“. The exercise is linked to the course in „Working with Actors 1 and 2“. Students perform and direct themselves in front of the camera in mini-scenes rehearsed in the first-year summer semester and film them using a three-camera chain.Practical exercises for Directing Dept. 2nd year bachelor students in cooperation with the Camera and Editing Depts:

Group introduction of the studnents to the fundamental potential of the Studio, its technology and services, and TV studio camera control. The exercise is linked to the „Working with Actors 1a 2“. Students act and direct each other before the camera, using a 3-link camera implementation for a rehearsed mini-scene which was rehearsed in the Summer semester of the first year.

Completion deadline: November-December

FAMU Atelier - simple background for the whole study year

Recording technology: 3 studio camera Betacam Digital + preview DV

Pure footage: 5 minutes

Number of shooting days: 2 days all together for all students + 8 hours preview DV for sound/jingle preparations

Material: 1 copy Betacam Digital 60 min: 1 copy DVCAM cassette 40 min. 1x VHS 30minutes.

Image technology: 3 studio cameras Betacam Digital, atelier lighting.

Sound technology: studio equipment + studio equipment

Editing: Continual in recording to Betacam; 5 frequency Avid Xpress DV; 1 freqency on-line

Sound post-production: Studio technology and equipment

Transfer: DV - Betacam Digital - VHS

Archiving: FAMU VHS video library and further according to Archive regulations.

Recommended or required reading

aktuálně dodává pedagog

Assessment methods and criteria

100% aktivní účast na cvičení



Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans