First-Year Documentary Workshop 2

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
303RD2 Z 1 3T Czech summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

The implementation workshop is focused on the creation of an original (documentary) film. The first semester serves for acquiring basic film skills, checking of motivation, investigating topics and script creation. The central focus of the second semester are intensive consultations on film shooting and editing. The purpose of the course is to guide students through the cycle of the generation of a work and, primarily, instigate the development of their film language.

Mode of study

A desire to discuss is requested of all participants. Students - future documentary film makers - are to develop their creative personalities - brainstorm, contribute topics, instigate discussion and improve themselves. In the implementation of their summary film, each is defended: WHAT will be shot - WHY it will be shot - HOw it will be shot.

Moderated discussion, dramaturgy analysis of literature bases - subject matter and script, dramaturgical analysis of the visual inspection, dramaturgy of the edited version. Analysis of film samples from previous students of the Documentary Dept. Comparative analysis of literature bases and final works.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

A desire for discussion is requested from all participants. Students - future documentary film makers - are to develop their creative personality - brainstorm, contribute topics, initiate discussion, and individually improve themselves. Prior to the implementation of their summary film, each one defends: WHAT will be shot - WHY it will be shot - HOW it will be shot.

Course contents

The limits of the workshop are variable.

The creator should be the authority as well.

Is (will) the creative activity (be) confident (persuasive)?

The right question for the right answer.

Originality does not guarantee personality.

Recommended or required reading

Film Writings:

Bazin, André : Co je to film?; Československý filmový ústav; Praha; 1979

Bresson, Robert: Poznámky o kinematografu; Dauphin; Praha; 1998

Carriére, Jean-Claude: Vyprávět příběh; NFA; Praha; 1995

Drvota, Mojmír: Základní složky filmu; NFA; Praha; 1994

Ejzenštejn, Sergej: O stavbě uměleckého díla; Československý spisovatel, Praha, 1963

Epstein, Jean: Poetika obrazů; Hermann & synové; Praha; 1997

Gauthier, Guy: Dokumentární film, jiná kinematografie; AMU a Ji hlava; Praha; 2004

Gogola ml., Jan: Smrt dokumentárnímu filmu! Ať žije film! Od díla k dění!; Dipl. pr. FAMU; 2001

Monaco, James: Jak číst film; Albatros ; Praha; 2004

Nichols, Bill: Úvod do dokumentárního filmu; AMU; Praha; 2010

Truffaut, Francois: Rozhovory Hitchcock- Truffaut; ČSFÚ; Praha; 1987

Ulver, Stanislav: Západní filmová avantgarda; ČFÚ; Praha; 1991

Worth, Sol: Obrazy nemohou říkat ne; in: Sborník filmové teorie I; ČFÚ; 1991

Barthes, Roland: Světlá komora - vysvětlivka k fotografii; Archa; Bratislava; 1994

Bernard, Jan: Jazyk, kinematografie, komunikace; NFA; Praha; 1995

Blažek, Bohuslav: TVáří TVář k obrazovce; SLON; Praha; 1995

Deleuze, Gilles: Obraz-pohyb; NFA; Praha; 2000

Eco, Umberto: Mysl a smysl; Nadace Vize; Praha; 2000

Flusser, Vilém: Do univerza technických obrazů; OSVU; Praha; 2001

Foucault, Michel: Diskurs, autor, genealogie; Svoboda; Praha; 1994

McLuhan, Marshall: Jak rozumět médiím; Odeon; Praha; 1991

Sontágová, Susan: O fotografii; Paseka; Praha; 2002

Virilio, Paul: Informatická bomba; Pavel Mervart;

Collections; Collective authors: Média a realita; FSS MU; Brno; 2001

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on:



Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

room 211
Room No. 211

(Lažanský palác)
Šípek J.
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 13:05–14:45 Jan Šípek Room No. 211
Lažanský palác

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