Theory of Photographic Picture 2

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
304TF2 ZK 1 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Introduction of students to the theory fundamentals of photographic depiction.

Mode of study

Lectures are supplemented with samples and extensive image material.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Intended for bachelor study students.

Course contents


  1. Photography photochemical fundamentals

Effect of light absorption - molecular activation, quantum yields, basic photochemical laws : Grotthuss-Draper Law, Bunsen-Roscoe Law, Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence. Latent image-crystal constrution AgHal, crystal grating, germinal sensitifiy grating faults, latent image formation theory. light-sensitive suspense preparations, the role of gelatin as a protective colloid in AgHal precipitation, the photographic emlusion „maturing“ stage, particle size and distribution, various crystal forms and compositions. Structure and characteristics of photograph material. Chemical processing of photographic layers - chemically induced oxidation reduction issue considerations, physical and chemical development manners, composition of developers for chemical developing - developing materials, alkali, conservation and regeneration materials and anti-masking materials, super-additives. Fixation. Inversion materials processing. Particular procedures. Photographic phenomena - other influential factors besides light, double-exposure phenomena, developing phenomena, hypersensitivity, latency.

  1. Sensitometry

Development of sensitometric procedures - the work of Hurter and Driffield. Sensitometry - fundamental part, sensitometry with time and intensivity modulation, light sources - their stabilization, calibration, maintenance, modulating exposure - time, intensity -/absorption, opening, fundamental requirements.

  1. Densitometry

Concept of optical density, permeation and reflective density, primary density measurement, density types - according to geometric measured volume lighting - according to the spectral nature of the measured light - according to receptor characteristic, density of color shots - as a whole, partially, supplementary, substitutive, main, adjunct - their mutual relationships, list of important densitometer types.

  1. Interpretation of sensitometer measurements

Material gradation characteristics - sensitometric characteristics, basics of density, masking, minimal and maximal density, gradient, slope, practical and sensitometric sensitivity, sensitivity criteria, color and spectrum sensitivity, sensitometric characteristics of three-layer color materials, partial characteristics.

  1. Micro-sensitometrics

Sensitive layer structure, shot development structure, structural granularity, sujective and optical, granularity measurements, light-sensitivity resolution ability measurement, sharpness, relation of resolution ability to sharpness, measuring sharpness - acutance, modulation transfer function, list of micro-sensitometric devices.

Recommended or required reading

Literatura povinná: (včetně signatury knihovny FAMU)

ČSN 36 0000: Světelné technické názvosloví (6A 3999-4000)

ČSN 01 1718: Měření barev (6A 4001)

ČSN 66 6401: Fotografická senzitometrie (6A 3333)

Janoušková K.: Fyziologie zraku (1965 - 6C 958-60, 1970 - 6C 1592-95)

Pecák J.: Subjektivní aspekty reprodukce barevným filmem (kabinet obrazové techniky)

Urban M.: Základy senzitometrie (1968 - 6C 1572-3)

Jahoda M.: Barevná senzitometrie (1968 - 6C 1169) in Sborník prací VÚZORT

Informační zpravodaj VÚZORT -1969, č. 3,4 / Kvalita optických a fotografických obrazů (kabinet obrazové techniky)

Katalogy filmových materiálů: Eastman KODAK, FUJI (kabinet obrazové techniky)

Katalogy filtrů: KODAK Filters (kabinet obrazové techniky)

Kubát J.: Základy fotochemie, Akademia 1969

Šimek J.: skripta Fotografická technika - Základy fotochemie

Junge K.W., Hübner G.: Fotografická chemie (SNTL 1987)

Literatura doporučená :

Evans, R.M.: An Introduction to Color (1948 - 6B 859, 1959 - 6B 757, 1965 - 6B 1214)

Evans, R.M.: Eye, Film and Camera in Color Photography (1959 - 6B 756)

Langford, M.J.: Advanced Photography (1972 - 6B 1350)

sborník Principles of Color Sensitometry (1955 - 6B 865)

Ilinski, M.: Sensytometria fotograficzna i filmowa materialow czarno-bielych (1955 - 6B 420)

Horder, A.: The Manual of Photography,formerly (6B 1281)

Horder, A.: The Ilford Manual of Photography (1971)

Morávek, J.: Senzitometry (1965, in Sborník prací VÚZORT, str. 71 - 6B 1169)

Gorochovskij, J.N., Levenberg, T.M.: General Senzitometry (6B 1471)

Jiráček M.: Fotografická optika (1960 - 6A 2119)

Palivec: Světlo, optika a osvětlovanie vo fotografii (1963 - 6A 2390)

Assessment methods and criteria

Attendance at lectures is a necessary requirement for successful course study.

At the close the students complete a written and oral exam.



Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

room 225
Room No. 225

(Lažanský palác)
(lecture parallel1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 14:50–16:25 Josef PECÁK Room No. 225
Lažanský palác
lecture parallel1

The subject is a part of the following study plans