Management in an Information Society 1
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
305MIS1 | ZK | 3 | 2T | Czech | winter |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The aim of the interactive lectures is to introduce students to the most important management theory models. A manager needs theory because it gives him a language and repertoire, helps him to read situation in practice, make judgements, select proper tools and avoid mistakes which others have made.
Mode of study
Interactive lecture, text analyses, role playing.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Mastery of the basics of marketing, management, finance and legal issues of AVD production and distribution at the bachelor's level.
Course contents
- Being one's own manager. What is management? Who is the manager? Managerial functions and roles. Planning and organzation time. Self-management. How to rationally study and work with information
- Manager and communication. Basic features and functions in communications management. Proper and Faulty argumentation. The board as a tool for guding people and building a team. Presentations and their basics.
- Manager in a group and in a team. Differences between a group and a team. Stages of development of a group. Group size. Team, function and team roles. Synergy. Games - Belbin's team roles.
- Control, authority, influence, directing, guidance. Direction as a delegation of the proper items. Managment as the delegation of items properly. Control, authority. Negative leading. How to recognize manipulation and face it. Assertivity
- Management and motivation. What is organizational behaviour. Motivation theory. Motivation models.
- Conflict. Type of de facto relationships - cooperation, conflict, competition. Behaviour in conflicts. Conflict managment strategies. Dispute and problem. Dialogue and trialogue. Negotiations and meetings, mediation and facilitation.
- Human Resources. Acquiring workers, recruitment, selection. Analysis, description and particulars of the work. Project work. Workplace rotation. Broadening and enriching the work content. Planning substitution. Assessment. Basics of remuneration. Management according to goals.
- Organizational structure and culture. Basics of organizing an organization. Types of organizational structures. Hierarchy and authorization, team, matrixes, networks. Non-formal organization. Organizational culture.
- Marketing in practice. Marketing as a management process. Three-layer product analysis. Product and service. 7P. The product life-cycle. Functional elements, product availability and identity. Competition advantages. Attractiveness of the branch. Direct and indirect competition. Substitution. Segmentation. Marketing for non-profit organizations.
Recommended or required reading
1.Bedrnová, E. & Nový, I.: Moc, vliv a autorita, Management Press, Praha 2001
2.Covey, S.R: Sedm návyků vůdčích osobností, Pragma, Praha 1994
3.Crainer, S.: Moderní management. Základní myšlenkové směry, Management Press 2000
4.Donelly Jr., James H. - Gibson, James L. - Ivancevich, John M : Management, Grada, Praha, 1997, 2000, 2002
5.Drucker, P.: Efektivní vedoucí, Management Press, Praha 2008
6.Drucker, P.: To nejdůležitější z Druckera v jednom svazku, Management Press, Praha 2004
7.Fischer, R.-Ury, W.: Dohoda jistá, Management Press, Praha 1995
8.Koubek, J.: Řízení lidských zdrojů. Základy moderní personalistiky, Management Press,3. vydání , Praha 2001
9.Palmer, Sally - Weaver, Margaret: Úloha informací v manažerském rozhodování, Grada, Praha 2000
10.Plamínek, J.: Řešení konfliktů a umění rozhodnout, Argo, Praha 1994
11.Šuleř, O.: Jak řídit a vést porady, Computer Press, Praha 2001
12.Ury,W.: Jak překonat nesouhlas, Management Press, 3. vydání Praha 2002
13.Vybíral, Z.: Psychologie lidské komunikace, Portál, Praha 2000
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit is made up from the required semester work (grades A, B, C, N, for general orientation) and the final knowledge exam.
The semester paper assignment is available at Students select one of approx. 40 books on a list and develop an proper course paper in the extent of 5 standard pages (9000 characters including spaces, tolerance +/- 20%).
The course paper is to be a synopsis, an abstract of one of the books offered. The content must be a concise statement/description/presentation of the most important concepts of the text and in no manner a subjective interpretation. One's assessment of the text may be presented only marginally. For inspiration it is possible to go to and find an example abstract (Huizinga, J: Homo Ludens) and the rules for writing an abstract by Prof. Jan Sokol (FHS UK).
Students who do not submit the semester paper on time, or the semester paper does not fit the extent or quality, may not sit the final exam, as the case may be, miss the deadline registered receive grade F - (Fail) Insufficient (a).
The test contains 20 multiple choice questions with one correct answer. 15 correct answers from 20 are the minimum for receiving credit. For orientation: 20 and 19 points A, 18 and 17 points B, 16 points C, 15 points D.
Course web page
Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Date | Day | Time | Tutor | Location | Notes | No. of paralel |
Tue | 15:15–16:25 | Petr SLÁDEČEK | Room No. 334 Lažanský palác |
lecture parallel1 |
Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Music Production (Bc) - 2016/17 (optional subject)
- Arts Management (B.A.) (required subject)
- Production - Bachelor-1819 (required subject)