Introduction to instrumental methods of photographic and film material analysis

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307IMA ZK 4 26S Czech summer

Subject guarantor

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Learning outcomes of the course unit

The instruction aim is an expansion of the knowledge of individual analysis methods, their advantages and disadvantages, recognition of limiting factors. Using examples individual method processes, non-destructive and destructive analyses, example pretreatment are presented. Part of instruction is proper analysis interpretation, mutual correlations of acquired data in relation to the analysed object.

  1. Introduction - potential analysis chemistry in researching photographic and film material
  2. General processes in the research of photographic and film material before conservation and restoration.
  3. Use of examples, distrubution analysis, relation between example and analytical method, comparison of destructive and non-destructive research methods in photographic and film material.
  4. Optical microscopes (various types of microscopes, magnifying glasses and results of comparison) with photographic and film material
  5. Practical examples and identification of photographic and film material using optical microscopes
  6. Micro-chemical tests
  7. Practical examples and identification of photographic and film material using microchemical tests
  8. Infra-red spectrocopes, spectrometers and infra-red microanalysis of photographic and film material.
  9. Practical examples and identification of photographic and film material using infra-red spectro-microscopy and microanalysis
  10. X-ray fluorescent spectrometry of photographic and film material
  11. Practical examples and identification of photographic and film material using x-ray fluorescent spectrometry
  12. Density of photographic and film material
  13. Practical examples of measuring photographic and film material density
  14. Using results of selected methods in restoring or conserving photographic and film material - potential for discovering counterfeits

Submission of lab reports from measuring photographic examples using optical microscopes, microchemical tests, x-ray fluorescent spectrometry, densitometry.

Mode of study

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Course contents

Recommended or required reading

Čechák, T.; Kopecká, I.; Musílek, L.: X-Ray Fluorescence in Research on the Curtural Heritage. In The Journal of the Korean Association for Radiation Protection. 2001, vol. 26, no. 3, s. 321-326.

Ďurovič, M. a kolektiv: Restaurování a konzervování archiválií a knih. PASEKA. 2002. ISBN: 80-7185-383-6

Kolektiv autorů: Depozitáře ? obecné zásady. In Sborník STOP, Praha, STOP, 13.4.2006, s. 32-40.

Kolektiv autorů: Restaurování filmů a fotografií. In Sborník STOP, Praha, STOP, 15.11.2007, s. 5-9.

Šimůnková, E., Bayerová, T.: Pigmenty. STOP, Praha 1999. ISBN: 80-902668-1-9

Šimůnková, E., Karhan, J.: Pigmenty, barviva a metody jejich identifikace, VŠCHT Praha, 1993. ISBN: 80-7080-194-8

Štulík, D.: Přednáška. Moravská galerie v Brně. 2006.

Vávrová, P., Krčmářová, Š.: Přístupy k identifikaci historických fotografických technik. In Sborník z Konference Restaurování a ochrana uměleckých malířských a sochařských del, Litomyšl: Fakulta restaurování, Univerzita Pardubice, 2006, s. 27-30.

Assessment methods and criteria

Submission of the lab report from measurements of photograph examples using optical microscopes, micro-chemical tests, x-ray fluorescent spectrometry, densimetry. A written test and oral exam.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

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